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Jimin was sitting around bored out of his mind. Jungkook was out of the castle, making a public appearance for the people. He hasn't been out since the announcement of their engagement but the people have seen him while traveling across his city for news and commands. Being involved with his kingdom was a really big priority for him. Especially since his parents died while he was seventeen. He was old enough to become king and had his training... but his parents were very healthy and young. They both died at the age of forty and forty-five. It was heartbreaking for the whole kingdom and it made his people very weary of him with how fast he was pushed into this position.

Some kings are made king's at a young age, but there's paid people to do the ruling for them until they are of age. But Jungkook didn't get that treat because he was of age and extremely smart. Which was a blessing and a curse at the same time. He knew what to do to help his people but also knew to watch out for what people wanted from him. Most royals have a bad motive behind them. Sure, Jungkook couldn't see it right away, but he has always found a safe way out for his kingdom.

The winter prince stares out of his window. He now has his own office where he can keep tabs on the medical branches Jungkook had in place already, but also look into new ways to advance them. His work for today was done almost immediately. Mostly signing off on documents to allows groups to do different things or just reading updates. With no conflicts, there's not much for him to do. Which in now way is a bad thing, and is a huge relief for him, but he needs more. Reading and wondering aren't really what he's in the mood to do either. He kind of wants to stay in bed and do nothing... but his over thinking is convincing him to not waste a perfect day.

He stands up and starts looking around his office to get an idea to do something. At first it starts with the decor that is hanging on the walls. A portrait of a young Jungkook catching his eye. He notices not much has changed besides his maturity, and even then that seems like an act to Jimin. He knows his lover can be a childish pain in his butt, but he loves him with everything he is worth. "I wish I could see you right now. It is boring without you being childish near me. Making is both work longer than intended because all of sudden your extreme bored. But now I am extremely bored and crave your attention. So maybe you're not so wrong with that mind set. But a stronge maybe."

Continuing to look around the office, Jimin can't find anything to influence him to do more for the day, so he decides to wonder off to the library in hopes of finding a good book. Sometimes he won't be in the mood for reading but all of a sudden he sees a title catch his eye. Then he's in the same spot hours later with the book finished and feeling satisfied.


Jimin didn't find a book to read but did find himself being stuck in the kitchen with his oldest hyung. Jin was experimenting with some herbs that supposedly have "healing properties." He was making sweet treats, protein packed meals, and dehydrated anything with these herbs. Along side being the head chef, he was also hired to make meal plans for the troops. This way the troops were fed and the kingdom could cut out some food waste. When Jimin found this out, he was in awe about Jungkook's mind. It fascinated him with how much his lover actually cared for his people. And yes, there was people better off than others, the king still tried his best to make everyone comfortable here.

"Jimin, what do these herbs do?" Jim asks while holding out a handful of what would like a weed with tiny yellow flowers. Jimin careful grabs some and looks at it. The tiny flowers were very cute and close to his favorite color, lemon yellow. It's practically pastel yellow and he loves how it looks woth everything. It was really the only color he'd see in his own kingdom since he had his room painted lemon yellow. The rest of his kingdom was primarily ice blue or white. Which was very pretty but he hated not having more color.

Remembering his old room made him feel little upset. He hasn't seen his mother in about two weeks and he misses the cold weather there. It is about to become winter here, but Jimin knows it's nothing compared to his home's winter. He wasn't prepared for how warm it got during the day as well. Fall was meant to be a sipping cider season but the sun baking down makes it much warmer. So staying inside has been his best option. Or when he's bored he makes a small snow flurry in the training room to cool off.

Seokjin notices the spacing off from Jimin when a response was still waiting. "Earth to Jimin," he says while waving his hand in front of the younger's face. Jimin jumps a little but is brought back to reality. He didn't think a small flower would make him miss so much. He looks up and mumbles a quiet apology for spacing out. "It's all good. I was just trying to bring your attention back to the herb. I don't want to accidentally find out what it does when you can most likely tell me what it is." He smiles whole gesturing to the herb Jimin is still holding.

The prince looks back at the herb and without hesitation he knows what it is, "Stoneseed. One of the herbs known to protect people from unwanted pregnancy or respiratory issues. Also used for kidney issues, diarrhea, joint pain, and reduces the weight of some glands. Since our lands are always dry, we have an array of weed like herbs that during our 'spring.' Which really isn't much of a spring if you ask me." He stares at the herb. It beings a sense of home knowing something like such can be brought here. Maybe he should talk to Jungkook about starting a garden of herbs, flowers, and produce that can grow from his lands here.

"Have you ever used this herb before?" Jim asks out of curiosity. He doesn't really want to experiment with something that can go wrong. Jimin nods up and down. He used it once to help with a respiratory cold. It wasn't the best nor the worst thing he has used.

"I've only used it for a cold once. So I don't really know how effective it is. I do have an educated guess that it does work as a birth control since I've heard many women use it to prevent themselves from having anymore children."

I am currently waiting for my oil to get changed.

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