It was a sunny and warm as hell day at Orchid. Only the cold winds from the ocean helped us survive, also the wine.
The town grew faster and faster. We had to set up a whole new residential district. The population was about.. 1-2 thousand in a year. Food was fine, but the water pump made from scrapped wooden planks barely kept with the demand. We ordered electronics from Germany and the USA. Soon we had a water plant and even a solar power plant.
At the construction of the water plant, we found a strange tablet. It was just like that blue precursor tablet from the Subnautica video game. We managed to clean the algae and moss stuff off.
7 lovely hours of Creeper Pal being pissed at not being able to figure out 1 word later, totally not trashing the entire Orchid HQ with a chair. We tracked down the place written on it.
To our surprise it was that huge mob den. Maybe they took it over a long time ago, we had no clue. Just 4 of us, me, Creeper Pal, Alex and Gergely got down to this cave place, full of the old world... or just people were horrible builders.
We hid behind the old ruins and buildings in the cave. It had a lot of artifacts and plant life, river at the middle of it. To this day, we have no idea where the mobs got their food from, the place was full of wheat, potatoes, carrots, barley and rotten flesh. My theory is, they had some kind of magic relic we are yet to recover.
I seen him. The white eyed guy with a similar to mine, looking pickaxe. It had lighting bolts and everything. I wonder how I didn't notice that before.
We sneakily passed by the guard creatures by holding onto the roof structure of the ruins. Like in the movies, Alex almost fell after seeing a tiny-ass snake. Meanwhile Creeper Pal the smartass, he did his own plan of acting like the mobs and simply walking past them.
We used his idea to our advantage by making him distract the mobs, while we took all their research, figure out what they were doing. Sounds great doesn't it? Well Creeper kinda blown our cover.
We rushed down this tunnel they dug out, then we hit a weird wall. It had this hole on the middle, shaped like the tablet. We put it in and viola, the door opened.
"This was one helluva rush."
Said Alex or Gergely? I don't know, I forgot.
"Yep, we didn't loose a body part thank god-"
I was about to feel happy when I said that. Too bad the mobs followed us.
We seen an a weird looking armor in rust. Alex grabbed it. He tossed it to me. Put it on. All of us were ready for the fight. Just like a tornado we hit them hard!
Talking about our swords clashing, gun shots, cracking ground- Yeah about that cracking ground.. The whole cave collapsed on the entrance and the mob crowd. I say we got it lucky, falling into a pit of death and all of us survived!
Alex pulled out some flashlights. Were a bit too bright since our eyes got used to the torches. Got up, then walked into a smaller cave in the pit, we found a lot of junk on our way.
Old barrels, a bell, skeletons with pirate gear on? Just like a history museum from the pirate era. Step by step, we moved into the small cave with the water dripping on us. Oh ho ho what we found at the end!
We found a ship. Inside a cave! Which was about 20-40 meters bellow sea level. It was pretty intact other than it had 4-6 holes on the hull.
Alex was panicking, he extremely hates being in small, closet spaces. He had every right to be scared, wewere still stuck in a cave, of course we forgot to tell the town where we were going. Gergely had an idea.
"Why not patch up the ship, hit a hole in the wall and roof with the pickaxe, then float up to the surface. The map says we are under an ocean anyways!"
We agreed to that stupid idea, for who knows why. We patched up the ship as he said, except the masts and sails were a bit gone. We identified it as a pirate gallon from the 1800's by a couple old personal items in cabins.
We didn't know the actual size, but looked like a good vessel. The pickaxe sliced through the roof, we all held onto the ship as we prayed it floats on top of the ocean, like the Flying Dutchman. Oh man, I loved the Pirates of the Caribbean.
It worked! Alex almost had a heart attack. To our doubts, it worked. I still had the compass that can lead the way. We somehow sailed that wreckage to Orchid's port.
As the sun hit the ship, we seen the true size. It was almost big as an American aircraft carrier. The damage on the ship was really bad so as we hit the shore 4 meters deeper in the ocean than, the time it floated to the surface.
3 months of repairs later we fixed it up. Oh boy I love the ship. I have it still in our harbour.
"What shall be the name of this fine vessel?"
Alex said, he might have got a bit too attached to the ship by now, from all the work he put into it.
"I say lets call it.. The DFCO LEVIATHAN! I'm pretty sure this is the worlds biggest wooden ship! Any ideas how it got into a cave?"
"Nope. I do not wanna know as long as its in our fleet."
Creeper Pal said. Later it was proven, that the original ship name was "Doty Kamody" or some crap. The fact that it was actually the world biggest wooden ship amazed us. It even beat that sunken polish? Swedish? Whatever ship it was, in size.
We put some armor on, which made the ship heavier, than it was. The cannons were really old so we replaced them with turrets from modern tanks and artillery.
It was ready. The massive green and white sails were set. Later become the color of "Danger Fox Co." Pretty much everything with lime green and white were ours.
I already mentioned, me and Gergely had dreams about going home to where we truly felt like ourselves. Hours of thinking in my fancy-ass house, we decided to go back to Hungary, our true home. We missed the true Hungarian wine, the Hortobàgy, Budapest, the Duna and Tisza rivers- OH and the chimney cake. My favorite thing to eat actually.
Later that day we got The Leviathan ready for a travel. Target was Croatia and the Adriatic sea. Next day we were already on our way to the motherland. Wine for days, music, lights, the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterran Sea.
This will be a long journey!
—> next Chapter
The Lost Skywood Book
Aventura-=Official DFCO Content=- How you got these stories: *You are walking near a river with your dog, when it start barking at a reed bush next to you. You go in the bush to check out what your dog found. You find someone laying there. A corpse of a m...