No Fear, God is Here

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The trepidation is great. We are scared. We are scared of the future. We are scared of jumping out of our comfort zones. We fear a lot of things.

One of my greatest fear is heights. Yes, I'm afraid of heights that my legs wobble when I reach the highest floor of a mall or a mountain. This fear can also describe the fear I have in the spiritual sense. Sometimes God wants me to reach the top and by top I mean things that I can't see myself doing. Which means they are hard for me. My faith turns into fear and then I shut myself up. I stay stuck on the lower level of my Spiritual life. That's not how it's supposed to be. But whenever I open the Bible and read the lives of the people who faced the same thing reminds me to stop being afraid.

Two of my favorites are Moses' and Gideon's stories. Moses was called by God to speak to Pharaoh so that the Israelites can be free from Egypt but Moses was afraid. He doesn't know how to speak. Yet God said in Exodus 3:12 "And God said, 'I will be with you. And this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this mountain." And he did as what God commanded and faced his fear. If Moses hadn't obeyed and trusted God, Israel would still be a slave. Gideon on the other hand has fear on failing because he knows that his clan is the weakest among the Israelites yet God still called him. It says in Judges 6:14-16 "The Lord turned to him and said, 'Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian's hand. Am I not sending you?'

'But Lord,' Gideon asked, 'how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family.' The Lord answered, 'I will be with you, and you will strike down all the Midianites together.'" but still Gideon doubted a bit so he asked two signs from God which God gave him. Gideon defeated the Midianites with the help of the Lord. He overcame his fear.

Are you like Moses who's afraid to speak? Are you like Gideon who's afraid to try and believe in your capabilities? See what made them overcome fear? It's because they trusted the Lord is with them. It's because the Lord himself told them that he will be with them.

God gives us the same promise through the Lord Jesus Christ. Our fears shouldn't keep us from living this life for Christ. We shouldn't let fear overcome us and instead let our faith in Christ Jesus overcome fear.

The greatest height I faced so far is writing for the Lord Jesus Christ. People think it's easy because you just post Bible verses and put your interpretations with it. Post it and get more likes. It's not actually like that. Ever since I wrote for Jesus, I didn't look at the likes. I looked at the number of souls who were able to read about Jesus and who were able to know Him. In this age of running after dreams and neglecting the main purpose of life which is to serve God, it's so hard to put up a billboard with words about Jesus and make the people not just read it but live it. You would get judged by the people around you and you will be misinterpreted. Talking about God sounds cliché and some have found it boring. But talking about God and the Lord Jesus Christ isn't boring nor is it for popularity. Talking about Jesus is a privilege and honor. It is to save the lost souls so they may be found. It is about making Jesus Christ known as the Lord and as the Savior. I may write differently and still have fears in doing so but the assurance I have in the Lord Jesus Christ keeps me going. It keeps me writing.

Claim it: "My fears are ALL YOURS Jesus!"

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