A letter to the readers of this story

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Me: *looks at the date I posted the last chapter*

Last chapter: Published January 6th, 2019

My brain: Okay, enough time has passed, I shouldn't update this story, let's just leave it alon-


Hehe.. well, that's the on crack way of describing this..

I wanted to write this little letter for the appreciation of everyone who has read, voted and commented on this story of mine.

It's crazy to think that the first chapter of this story was posted longer than a year ago, damn.

I think if exams weren't the thing that was in my head at the time, I would've done something to celebrate its one year, but, unfortunately, school comes first.

But worry not, I finished the exams with flying colours (except for native history, I'm not that smart heh) and now I'm just kinda silently sitting in my room and waiting for school to start because gOSH DARN IT AUGUST DIDN'T HAVE TO COME SO SOON.

Okay, getting a little off topic here.

I just wanted to thank everyone who supported this story by reading it, voting on it and commenting (that especially cheers me up tbh).

However, I couldn't care less about how much votes this story has or how many people have read it. What I love the most is reading those comments that some of you write about how you like the story itself.

Comments about how much you liked a chapter, a ship moment, a plot twist, a dialogue or just something that simply made you genuinely happy or made you laugh.

That's what I absolutely love about this story.

Sure, the writing is kinda fast paced and while rereading and editing some chapters now and then I see a few things I definitely could've written better, but if something like this can make someone smile or laugh, I can only say that I'm glad.

And I know some of you just randomly found this story and read it because you either like Bakudeku or just BNHA in general, but if you just as much as liked it, I'm more than happy.

But of course those comments of you just clowning me because of the absolutely bullshit plot or just the way how I portrayed some characters (*cough* Bakugo) or literally anything else is something that just brightens me up.

Oh and, of course, the infamous start of the book:

"You're pathetic."

Okay that just brings back memories kagsgwjvdhwksghw

Like imagine this, I wrote that on the 31st of May, in 20 FUCKING 18.

Feel old yet?

Uhh, what else.

A while ago I read a comment where someone wanted me to do a sequel to this book and at first I was going to, just for the heck of it, but after thinking about what could happen further, I could only think of a handful of ideas.

That being said, I don't think I'll be making a sequel to this story.

But, 'I don't think' doesn't necessarily mean 'I won't'. Who knows, maybe some day I wake up and have the whole sequel planned out in my head and I just write and post it without saying a word.

What I'm saying is: don't expect a sequel, but don't be surprised if one day I just drop it here without a warning.

But that's just my thoughts, maybe y'all don't even want a sequel. I mean, after all the angst I put in this one, you should be pretty aware of what I'm capable of doing.

I mean- okay, if you want a sequel, just leave your thoughts in the comments but do NOT expect it to be good. However, if you have suggestions, I'm open to hearing them.

That being said, thank you for reading Payback and thank you for your support on this story!

Leave your opinions/thoughts/suggestions in the comments!

Yours truly,
~Craptchy 😘

Oh and just a quick P.S.- if you've followed me, don't expect me to write only BNHA related things, I have ideas for fanfics about other things as well, not limited to just anime. If that's not something you're interested in - feel free to unfollow me.

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