CHAPTER 6 {I'm on some dope shit'}

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Courtesy of Afiniki19.
I watch as Ezio walked away. I shut the door and fall on my bed to replay what just happened. He's not so bad, but it doesn't change the fact that he's a player and they never change, though being his friend would not be such a bad idea, but I would have to make sure he knows the boundaries around me.

I leave my room and walk to Ezio's room and knock on the door, but there was no response. I shrug, maybe he's not around.

Or you just hurt him bad. A taunting voice in my head says.

No not you again.

The last time I heard such voices was when my brother died, so I decide to go downstairs to avoid being alone, cause the voice thrives in my loneliness and despair, which is lot, trust me. So I decide to go downstairs, I find Jane on the couch watching TV, wrapped around a light blanket with popcorn on her lap.

"Hey!!" She says cheerfully.

"Hi." I reply with less enthusiasm as I plop down beside her.

"I hope my brother didn't disturb you?" she asks looking at me.

"Um, no he was not disturbing? I say avoiding her gaze.

"Something obviously happened. You can tell me." She persists.

"He just wanted to friends that's all." I said still looking at the TV, expecting a reply from her, but I don't get one so I look to my side to find a shocked expression on her face.

"What?" I ask.

"My brother wants to be just friends with you?" she finally speaks.

"Yeah." I say oddly.

"Wow- I never thought I would see this day." She smiles.

"I guess you did." I say with a little smile of my own.

"You know if I didn't know better I would say he likes you and this would end like some cliché romance novel"
I let out an un lady like snort.

"Anyways, what movie are you watching?" I ask her.

"Twilight, I just love romance in the movie."

"Seriously? I ask with a disappointed expression on my face.

"Hey, what's wrong with Twilight?"

"Romance movies or books are not really my scene." I say.

"So, what's your category of movies and books?"

"Action, sci-fi and documentary of any kind, except history. That just passes as an excellent sleeping pill."

Jane lets out a low chuckle. "Just like Ezio, only that instead of documentary he loves horror."

I let out a nervous laugh. "Oh no, i cannot watch horror. Not after my brother made me watch The Conjuring and Annabel alone locked up in the basement. That was a major disaster, cause I wouldn't sleep alone with the lights switched off for an entire month." I say as we laugh at my misfortune. "Anyways," I say getting up. "I better you to your 'Twilight'" I say with air quotes.

She laughs and nods. I go up to my room get my car keys and a large grey hoodie, not caring about the length of my shorts and leave the house and drive to a close drifting slash racing park. I used to come here a lot until I was caught.

The place is crowded as usual, a lot of people are cheering on the racers while some are just dancing and getting high on weed and coke. I walk further and see a guy leaning against a car, I am guessing he's the one I'm to pay to.

So I walk over and make the necessary payments, I also pay extra for a sports car, because obviously mine isn't fit for drifting.

I am assigned to the next round so I am patiently waiting and looking around and I stop when I notice some guys that look a lot like Ezio, Josh, Kevin and Brad, but I shrug it off.
The next round has finally come, I go over to the car, I trace my index finger round the car.

"Roxy!" I hear a familiar voice call out. I turn around to look for my caller, it's Mario.

As for the name, I'm not that stupid to use my real name in this crap joint, people would be after stupid to use my real name in this crap, people would be after me, especially the losers, but it's mostly to hide my identity in relationship to a billionaire who is also my father.

"Roxy, Ma girl, haven't seen you in a long time now?" he says lifting his baggy jeans.

"How's it been, Mario?" I ask politely.
"it's all good - but hey I've got your regular" he says then whistles to a bimbo wearing a black leather mini skirt, crop top and black heeled boots. She holds a metal tray high above her head as she struts towards us.

"Hey, Mario," she purrs then flips her hair to look at me, "and who would this be?"

"She's Roxy," Mario says excitedly.

"My best bet tonight. Anyways," he says taking the tray form the bimbo.

"Just for old time sake," he says showing me the tray with strips of coke.

I stare at the tray longingly. There was a time I was an addict, during the period Audrey and her minions were making my life a nightmare. During that period, Mario was my drug dealer and he was very cheap and faithful, he never poked his nose into my business. He always had what I wanted, when my dad found out, he wasn't too happy about it. He sent me to rehab for a year plus, and that was the best year of my life cause when I came back I have become the independent and strong, well not so strong 'cause I'm still fighting my urges especially right now.

Mario notices my hesitation. "Just for old time sake," He repeats, "plus you need your 'rush'." He's definitely right about the fact that I do need my rush.

I take a straw and inhaled one line of coke. Immediately I feel a sudden rush of adrenaline and energy surge through my veins. I open my eyes and grin widely at Mario, who has the same look on his face. "I'm on some dope shit right now." I say grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"Hey get into the car." He says giving me a hand gloves and pushing me into the car. I quickly take my seat and wear my gloves. My opponent reels his car beside up beside me. I look over my shoulder to my opponent's car to see his face but his windows are tinted.

"Alright." I mutter connecting my phone Bluetooth to the car as I scan through my playlist for a specific song. My eyes finally land on Motorsport by Migos, Cardi-B and Nicki Minaj. I hit play and max the volume of the car such that the widows were rattling. "Just the way I like it." I say gripping the wheels tightly because I was afraid the ecstasy might make me forget I was supposed to drive, but reflex.

The race light changes from red amber to green. Suddenly a loud horn blows and the races begin.

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