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As soon as Tessa hits the bed she falls asleep, leaving me wide awake. I head to the showers to have a cold bath to calm my temper. I'm mad at a lot of people. At Jane and Kev for not believing me on my suspicions about Josh, I'm mad at Josh for behaving this way towards the girl I like and most of all I'm mad at myself for allowing Tessa catch a glimpse of me when I was angry.

I step out of the shower and dry myself quickly. I put on y pair of shorts and tank top. I lay on the bed looking at her. She's really beautiful and peaceful when she's asleep. I know while she's awake she tries to put up a wall between people especially between both of us because she finds it hard to trust people and me, but that's what I'm trying to enforce.

But anytime I want to try Josh is always my problem. Josh that son of a bitch. I clench my fists in anger then I climb out of bed and head to him and Brad's room. I knock on the door, I hear shuffling noises then the door opens to reveal Josh. He looks at me with shock his expression then morphs into fear then anger but tries to hide it.

"What's up dude." He asks with a fake smile.

"Don't 'what's up dude' me." I say trying to conceal my anger.

"Okay then what do you want?" he asks as he shoves his hands into his pockets and lean on the door casually.

"What I want is for you to stay away from Tessa."

"Why? She's not yours and probably never will so why are you dictating who she talks to?" he asks with mock.

I feel anger and adrenaline surge through my veins as blood rushes into my ears, but I manage to calm my self down

"This is a warning Josh." I hiss and give him a hard stare, "Try otherwise and you would see what it gives you." I sneer then I turn away and walk away. I step into the room quietly to avoid waking Tessa then I lay on the bed watching Tessa for a moment. All of a sudden she begins to whimper and sob in her sleep.

I sit up and shake her arms lightly to wake her up. Immediately her eyes open she puts her arms around my neck and hugs me, I return the hug immediately while whispering soothing words to her. We stay like this for a few moments then I feel her arms around my neck begin to slack then I realize she's fallen asleep again. I put her back in a lying position gently but immediately her head touches the pillow her eyes open.

"Please don't go." She pleads I notice that fear and pain is evident in her eyes and voice.

"Hey it's okay I'm not going anywhere." I say gently as I lay down beside her. I put my arm around her waist pulling her closer to me.

"Thanks Ez." She says in a fragile and weak voice.

"I feel happiness burst in my heart majorly because this is the first time she's addressed me by my nick name and also because she's letting me touch her and comfort her in her most venerable moment.

"Night Tessa." I whisper to her although she was already sleeping. I close my eyes and smile to myself.

Ezio you are finally making progress. I think to myself before I fall asleep.

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