Chapter 10{trying so hard}

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  Immediately she moans, I feel my body tense and my little man in my pants pokes underneath my pants.
  Now is not the time dude, I scold myself. She is not a slut or a regular girl who would want to jump into my pants at the slightest opportunity, she’s different.
  We eat in silence for a few moments, until I decide to break the ice with a question. I heard that shit always works; besides this is going according to plan.
  “Do you want to play a game?” I ask hopefully.
  “And what game would that be?” she retorts with a brow raised intimidatingly, but hot.  Super-hot.
  “It’s called twenty questions.” I reply nonchalantly.
  “So you want to know about me?” she asks, her brows resuming their angular position.
  “Uh- yeah-I mean- as friends.” I say trying to find the right words to get her to keep talking.
  “Okay. You go first.” She says pointing at me with her cutlery.
   “Right, what’s your favorite color?” I ask her trying to keep it basic.
   “Black and gray. Yours?” she retorts   “Uh, gold and black. Basic boys color.” I say lamely, then I mentally giving myself a brief beating.
   “Cool, it’s my turn,” she airily.
   “Yeah, yeah” I say and take a full gulp of water out of my glass to ease off the tension.
   “What sports do you play?”
   “Well I don’t play anymore, but I did play football at high school. What about you, any sport spike your interest?”
“I am not really into sports.” She says as she tucks a lock of her hair behind her ear. Is it me or is she nervous and looks incredibly beautiful-
  “You’re beautiful,” I blurt. Fuck! Smooth move idiot.
  “What?” Tessa says her voice raising an octave as splashes of pink taints her rosy cheeks.
  “Nothing!” I almost yell, then I clear my throat “it’s nothing” I say more calmly. “Anyways, what about your family, how many siblings do you have?”
  She suddenly goes pale, she looks down. Okay that is clearly a very tender subject.
  “Hey,” I say and she looks up “you don’t have to talk about it, I mean if you don’t want to” I say trying to give her space. “Let’s do something else, how about a movie” I suggest taking her mind off what bothered her.
  “Yeah, that would be nice.” She finally speaks with a shaky smile.
  “Okay, so what kind of movie are you into?” I ask moving over to the stack of movies. I feel her trail behind me and goes over to the couch.
  “I am into sci-fi sometimes documentary and action. I so love action movies, the best is when their buttered up with comedy. Now that is gold.” She says with enthusiasm.
   I laugh and as I gain myself I realize we have a lot in common and this just makes me want her more.
   “Okay I have found … the one…dramatic silence… Ride Along.” I say with a goofy grin as she lets out a low chuckle and looks at me with amusement.
  “I am totally with you on that,” she says. I set the movie and go to sit on the couch beside her.
  She laughs through the movie and damn do I love her laugh. I turn to stare at her. Her dark brown almost black hair pulled into a ponytail, her brown doe like eyes fixed on the TV, down to her lips that always have my attention whenever she speaks bites or licks. Fuck I’m gonna give myself a boner with these thoughts.
  But that doesn’t stop my sinful eyes as they continue to trail south, to her beautifully shaped boobs that are so plump and look really soft. I wonder how so they would feel when I knead them with my bare hands or how she would taste in my mouth.
  My perverted thoughts are interrupted by her sweet laughter, I look down and sure enough my dick is hard and erect. Fuck, stupid hormones. I need help. The best name that pops into my head is Kev.
  “I’ll be right back.” I tell her getting up quickly to stand behind the couch, to avoid my boner to be seen, now that would be embarrassing.
  “Okay be back soon, it’s getting to the interesting part.” She says luckily her eyes stay glued to the TV.
  “Got it.” I say and turn to leave I head to my room and pick up my phone from my bed and speed dial Kev’s number. He picks after four tries.
  “What?” he hisses harshly into the speaker, his breathing coming through hard and fast, I can tell by the way he struggles to control his breathing, he and Jane were doing their business, but that is least of my problems.
  “Kev I need help,” I say going straight to the point.
“Ugh, what now?” he drawls.
  “It’s Tessa,”
   “Hold on” I hear shuffling noises in the background, knowing he’s trying to keep at a safe distance between himself and Jane, because I told him not to say anything to her about my feelings for Tessa. “Alright, go on”
  “I swear to God man, this girl is driving me crazy.” I blurt as I run my hand through my hair. Kev lets out a low chuckle.
  “You’re going to have to elaborate man.” He says
  “I mean, I was following your advice, cooked up a meal for both of us, which by the way she loved, then I tried playing twenty questions with her, but we didn’t last past five rounds. It came to an end when I asked her about her family, she looked so pale I thought it was food poison and she was gonna be sick. But it just has to do with the question, so I had to suggest a movie to ease her mind of which, luckily, worked excellently-”
  “Dude I’m not your dear diary, okay. Tell me what your problem is, I’m your friend not your journal, sides, I have urgent matters to attend to.” He says
  “I’m sure you do.” I say with an eye roll. “But my problem is the fact I can’t get her out of my freaking mind.”
  “Are you serious? This is what I wasted twenty good minutes to hear.”
  “This is a serious problem Kev, do not joke with this.” I say my voice edgy.
  “You know what; we would talk about this tomorrow that is if you don’t want your sister to find out. That remind me, you have got to tell her about you and Tessa, because I hate keeping things from her.”
   “I know I will, just make up some excuse so she has to come home early.”
  “I would be lying, okay now that requires payment.”
  “Fine five bucks”
  “Aw c’mon you can do better than that” he says, and I can hear him smirk.
Son of a- “alright fifteen”
  “You have yourself a deal” he says mockingly. I end the call and head back to the living room to find Tessa fast asleep. She looks way too beautiful even for me and how am I supposed to make her like me. I lift her carefully into my arms bridal style and take her to her room and lay her gently on the bed.
  I pull the comforter from beneath her and tuck her in properly. I notice a few stray strands of hair of her hair on her face that I dare to push away and scan her face one last time, memorizing everything about her before leaving the room.

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