Chapter 21

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The door we came though opens and my head snaps up at the movement. A large man with black but graying hair enters first, followed by five others. I recognize two of them, my eyes widening.

"Johnathan," I whisper, almost running over to meet him. He smiles widely and pulls me into a hug when I reach him. "You made it," I say into his shoulder.

"What makes you think I wouldn't have?" He asks with fake offense.

I pull away but keep my hands on his arms, his eyes shine with pride and happiness. "Oh, I don't know, seeing as I had to save you a couple of times... I didn't know if you could make it without my help."

His eyes go wide. "You saved me? I think we're gonna have to talk about that," he smirks. His eyes flick to something behind me. "But first there are some people you should say hi to."

I turn, following his gaze to the second person I recognize. "Hey, dad," I smile at my father. He's definitely older than what I saw in my flashback. His hair has grayed significantly and his eyes show an exhaustion that can only be caused by aging, although they brighten when they land on me.

"My girl," he whispers pulling me into a bone smashing hug. "I knew you'd make it."

He finally lets me go after a moment and I have a glance at the two boys behind him. He follows my gaze. "Adylin, this is Xavier and Waren, your brothers."

They both have the same brown hair as I do and their facial features are similiar. Waren's more built and has a mature look to him while Xavier has a goofy grin and a little more wiry. They look at me, a mixture of happiness and worry in their eyes. "I remember you," I tell them.

They both let out a breath, the worry disappearing from their faces. "We didn't know if you would," Waren admits.

I smile and hug them both before turning to the last two people. They are the first man to walk in and a small woman beside him. The man smiles at me. "My name is Ryan Marshall, this is Lara Corington," he tells me. "We are the game creators, I think we should sit and talk for a minute. I'm sure you have many questions."

I nod and laugh sheepishly. "Uh, yeah, I do."

He leads us over to the ring of couches. I sit down in between my dad and Johnathan, Xavier and Waren sit on the other side of my dad while Lara and Ryan sit across from us.

"Ask away," Lara says, keeping a kind smile on her face the whole time we talk.

"Um, where do I begin?" I laugh. "Why was I on that mountain? Why were we all there?" I ask looking at Johnathan.

"Straight to the big questions, I see," Ryan laughs. "You see, the mountain simulation was the last step in your training to become a special units soldier here in Utopia."

Now I'm even more confused, and Ryan can see it on my face. "Utopia is the biggest city still standing in what was the United States. The US was bombed 150 years ago, every major city was completely destroyed and we've had to rebuild everything. Think of Utopia as the capital of the country, we make the laws and figure out what's best for the country."

I nod. "And a special units soldier?"

"You will work in teams of five to address problems that we have all over the country. Mostly other countries coming in and taking advantage of the poor state we are in, or rogue groups of people traveling throughout the country and causing trouble," he explains. "It will all become clearer in time."

"Ok," I manage. The sudden information and thrill of being here is starting to get to me. I have more questions but I don't feel like asking any more right now, I look around the room, trying to clear my head and look for a reason to leave. 

Ryan and Lara notice my unease. "We will let you go now," Lara says. "Let you get accustomed to your new home for the while."

"How long am I here for?" I ask. 

Lara shrugs. "Roughly a month while you go through your specialized training with your unit. For now, you are free to explore the city or stay here. We just ask you keep someone with you at all times."

I nod, standing up. 

"Also, Adylin," Ryan interrupts standing up, too. "Welcome to Utopia, may we rebuild this country in a new light."

End of book 1

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