Kick Me!

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I rushed to the phone, dialing Noah's number. He picked up. "Noah, Noah!" I yelled, feeling so sick and so panicky. "Baby, what is going on?" He whispered. "I'm in a meeting." I collapsed onto my knees. "Noah, listen." I sneered. "I need you to come home a little early." I could hear him muffling to his directors. A door opening. Then closing."Is everything okay? Is Amelia hurt?" He said. "No. Amelia is fine." I sighed, getting up and rushing to Amelia's room. There were some spare tests in here I could take. Shuffling through, I found one. Shuffling to the bathroom, I said goodbye to Noah and hung up.


My eyes deceived me. Tears trickled down my cheeks. Noah had just made it home, and was waiting in Amelia's room. He had picked her up for me early, so we could round up the test. I walked out of the bathroom and into our little girl's room. Noah looked worried. Amelia didn't understand. "Mommy," Amelia sniffled. "Are you okay?" My eyes darted toward her small, angled face. "Yes, Mimi, I'm okay." I said. Noah had Amelia sit on his lap, sitting on the soft, gray chair we had gotten for her nursery.

"Mimi, you're going to be a big sister."

Noah's eyes widened, and his lips curled into the biggest smile ever. Amelia squealed in delight and started fo wail. Noah caressed her small arms that we would have once again.

"You're 4 months in," Said Dr. Brown. We had scheduled an ultrasound once we found out. Amelia was staring at the television that had her future sibling on it. "Is it a girl?" Amelia raised her small little eyebrow. Noah shrugged. "I'm not sure," He said. "But we know its yours!" Amelia pouted. "I want a brother, papa." She wailed. I smiled. Two babies waddling around? What a dream. "Mrs. Jupe, there is something wrong." Dr. Brown inspected the ultrasound closely. "Your baby has four arms." Noah looked over. "And two heads." He pointed. "Two pairs of legs, too!" I started to tear up. "Could it be?" Noah looked so hopeful. Amelia looked frightened. "Papa, papa! My brother is a monster!" She shrieked. Dr. Brown chuckled at Amelia.

"Your mama is going to have two babies!" She said.

Amelia's shriek turned into a cheer. "Two babies!" She said. Dr. Brown nodded. "They are called, twins!" Amelia pranced around happily. "Twins! Twins!" She repeated. "Twins! The Jupe Twins!" She giggled. "Papa, I want one to be a boy!" She came over and felt my belly. It was covered in soft, cold gel. The twins started frantically kicking and wiggling so much!

Month Five

"Amelia, come look!" I yell. "The twins are kicking!" She rushes over and feels my belly. The spazzing around brushes against my stomach, onto Amelia's soft palm. "Mama, mama, will the twins be around for my sixth birthday?" I shook my head. "No, it would be a few months before they arrive, honey." Amelia pouted. "Dangit!" She moaned, and stomped off to her room. I chuckled. "Amelia Rosanne Jupe, what am I going to do with you?"

"Bye, baby-kins!" Noah yelled. He drove Amelia to school, and on the way, we had a small checkup, so I came, too. Amelia looked back and ran to me in the window. She felt my belly and smiled. "Bye bye, twins!" Then, running off, she disappeared into the building.

Month Six

"Make a wish, baby!" I held my stomach tight. The twins were kicking. Amelia blew out the candles with all her might. Her friends and family cheered around her. "Happy birthday, Amelia." Noah grinned. Amelia put her palm onto my stomach. The twins were fighting to touch their big sister's hand. Kick kick kick! Amelia gasped in wonder. "Hi!" "Hi!" She cooed. One of the twins kicked again!

"Amelia, our birthday present to you is.." Noah took us both inside after her party. "The twins' genders!" Noah caressed my belly. Amelia gasped and cheered. The twins kicked back in response.

"So, Mimi, the genders are.."

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