Sweetie Pie

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Amelia was walking around with Noah and Ryan. I was with Casford, and oh, we have two little dogs, Teacup Maltese dogs, to be exact. That was my "push present" from Noah, since he knew I loved dogs. Their names were Marshmallow and Fluffy, courtesy of Amelia and Noah.

Casford giggled at Fluffy, who came over and licked my legs

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Casford giggled at Fluffy, who came over and licked my legs. She was hungry! Marshmallow was waiting at her bowl, too. I poured them some food and a little chicken, and they started to chomp on that. Noah was running around with Ryan, and Amelia was chasing them. "Noah, be careful!" I yelled to him. He didn't hear me. "Amelia, lunch time, sweetie!" Amelia came over and sat at the counter. I was finishing her pasta. "Sauce on it?" I ask. She nodded. I poured a good amount on and slid it to her. "Casford and Ryan need a nap." Noah said, and took Casford from me to put them down.

I finished my bites of grilled cheese, and looked over at Amelia. She was still working on her food. I got up and put my plate in the sink, and Marshmallow started to jump on me. "Mommy, can I have milk?" I nodded and picked up Marshmallow, poured her some milk and gave it to her.

9:38 P.M

We were all sitting on the couch. I was cleaning dishes from dinner, Noah, Casford, and Amelia watching a movie. Ryan was with me and the dogs, and when I finished, Ryan started to wail. I figured he was hungry for a late night snack. The twins were supposed to be asleep an hour ago, but Noah talked me into letting them stay up. "Well, Ry." I looked at the twin in my arms. "Your daddy just loves staying up, huh?" Ryan babbled. "Time to get you into your jammies." I took him upstairs and changed him into a black footie pajamas that said, Twinning! Casford's said that, too, and in the same color. I took Casford's jammies with me, so I could change him too. Noah had Amelia asleep on his shoulder, and Casford was on his stomach asleep, too.

I had finally got everyone changed and ready for bed. I got the dogs onto their beds, and the kids into theirs. Noah had to stay in his office to work, so I decided to stop by Amelia's room. "Hey, love-dove." I peeked in. She was watching cartoons. She looked over and smiled. "Hi, mama." She yawned, and turned over. I smiled and closed the door. Looking around, I heard one of the twins shriek. Then the other. I rushed over to see what was happening, and they were crying their eyes out. "Oh, no no no no no.." I took them out of their cribs and looked at their diapers. Empty. I took them to Noah and I's bedroom and let them lay there. They started to calm down and fall asleep. After around thirty minutes, I heard Amelia cry. I take the twins and hurry to her room. "WHAT HAPPENED?!" I cried. She was in tears. She pointed to the T.V. It was Thomas The Train. "H-He-He's scary.." Amelia whimpered. I turned the television off. "Just go to sleep." She cried all over again. "MOMMY, I'LL HAVE NIGHTMARES!" She shouted. I sighed. "Come to bed with us."

We were all crammed in one bed. Noah decided to sleep in Amelia's room, since I was with three kids.

8:27 A.M

Noah. I have no idea what to do with him.

"Noah Casford Jupe, I will throw Amelia on you if you don't tell me what you're doing!" I yelled through his office door. I could hear him laughing, so I decided to kick his door open. I managed to do so, and he screamed like a girl.

"Damn it, Noah, stop playing Flappy Bird!" I squealed.

Amelia was playing with Ryan while Casford was still asleep. "Hurry up, Ryan is awake, and you need to dress him so I can start nursing." I said. Noah didn't do anything, he just started another game. I groaned. "I'll do it, then.."

12:09 PM

I was pooped. The moon drizzled down at us, all asleep on the couch. How happy was I?

I don't know.

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