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When Mike and Will were walking to Mike's room Will yawned and rubbed his left eye with his empty hand which was still covered by Mike's jacket sleeve that was too big on him. Will was trying his hardest to keep his eye's open and mike realized so he picked up the smaller boy and carried him to his bedroom. As Mike carried Will to his room Will fell asleep. They had arrived at Mike's room and Mike had set Will sown on his bed. Mike laid down behind Will. Will turned facing Mike and buried his face into Mikes chest. Mike wrapped his hands around the hazel haired boy pulling him closer. 

It had been a few minuets and Mike had fallen asleep smelling Will's hair. Max and Nancy had become worried because Will had not come back from the bathroom yet. So Max went out to the bathroom to try to find Will. She went to the bathroom and found the bathroom door wide open, lights on and no one in there. Max started to panic. So she ran back to Nancy and told her he wasn't there so the two of them went to Mike's room. And were just a little upset too find the two boys cuddling knowing that Mike was cheating on his girlfriend and Will was still not over Mike. But the two had too admit that they did look adorable.

Awww there so adorable- The two girls said in unison

go away-Mike had said waking up to them

Sorry-Max whispered

Yeah whatever-Mike

The two girls had walked back to Nancy's room talking about how cute the boys were.

Hey!-Will says looking up at mike

Sorry, sorry-Mike

Mike had put his hand on Will's thigh. And then he started to creep his hand upwards. Waking Will up.

Just don't do it again please-Will

Ok I won't-Mike said kissing Will

Sorry, sorry I know it's shorter than the last one but it's all i got for today.


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