Chapter 17

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Harry sat down on the bloodstained mattress and waited for his uncle. After a few minutes, Harry heard the attic door open and his uncle came up the stairs with his belt in his hand. Harry stood up and took off his shirt. Vernon walked over to the chair and picked up the rope. Harry swallowed and walked over to the chair. He placed his hands on the chair. Vernon placed the belt on the chair and tied Harry's hands to the chair. The rope was so tight that Harry could feel it cutting into his wrists. Vernon picked up the belt and began to beat Harry. Harry winced in pain and tried not to cry as he felt the belt ripping through his back. After about 5 minutes Harry sank to his knees, Vernon pulled him back up and continued to beat him. Harry fell two more times before his uncle finally stopped. Vernon then said,

"I will be right back." With that Vernon left the attic. Harry just sat there and cried.

Remus paced in his living room waiting for Tonks to come back from the ministry. Arthur had called her to his office. Remus was hoping that they were going to be getting the custody papers and they could go get his cub and bring him home. Tonks had been gone for almost an hour. Remus felt sick to his stomach and he had a gut feeling that something was wrong with Harry. Just then the fireplace began to glow. Severus stepped through followed by Tonks. Remus ran up to her and said,

"So do we have custody of my cub? Also something is wrong I can feel it in my gut. My cub is in trouble." Tonks placed her hands on his shoulders and said,

"Remus I need you to take a deep breath. I have the papers right here signed by the board. I also have an arrest warrant for his uncle. I didn't think his uncle would let him just sit at home and do nothing. That is why Severus in here because I figured he would be in rough shape." Remus looked at Tonks and said,

"So does this mean that we can go rescue my cub?" Tonks help up her hand and said,

"We are not going anywhere. You are staying here with Severus, and Kingsley and I are going to get Harry and bring him back here. I don't need you killing Vernon and ending up in Azkaban. I also don't know what condition Harry will be in and I don't need you freaking out on me." Remus hung his head and said,

"Fine. I will stay here and help Severus. Just bring my cub home safe please." Tonks gave him a 'duh' look, kissed and flooed back to the ministry to meet up with Kingsley.

Meanwhile at Malfoy Manor, Lucius and Percy were having the following conversation...

Lucius: Percy, so glad you could make it. So how are things going at Hogwarts?"

Percy: Well Harry snitched and told Minerva everything. Mad-eye and Kingsley arrested me under my father's instructions and I made sure to remove Ron's memories for the questioning and he was able to get off with no repercussions. I told him to be-friend Harry and gain his trust and wait for further instructions."

Lucius: Excellent gain the boy's trust and then when the Dark Lord returns we can use Ron to bring Harry Potter to us and then he can meet his doom." Lucius & Percy smiled at each other and began to laugh. Their laughter filled with Malfoy Manor.

Vernon made his way back up to the attic. He untied Harry and dragged him over to the mattress and he tossed him down. He forced Harry onto his stomach. Vernon then took off Harry's pants and underwear, then his own. He then got down on his knees over Harry. Harry realizing what was about to happen prayed that he would just die.

Tonks and Kingsley arrived at 4 Privet Drive and knocked on the door. There was no answer. Tonks knocked but again there was no answer. She tried the door and found that it was locked. She pulled out her wand and cast Alohamora and the door swung open and they walked in. The first floor was empty. Kingsley noticed a lock on the door under the stairs; he pointed it out to Tonks. She used Alohamora to open the lock and the door popped open. They saw Harry's trunk. Then they heard a noise that sounded like floorboards creaking. They went up the stairs and checked all the rooms and they were all empty. Tonks then noticed the attic door was open. She tapped Kingsley on the shoulder and pointed to the attic door. The two of them, with their wands at the ready, crept up the attic stairs. Luckily they arrived just in time to stop Vernon from raping Harry. Tonks pointed her wand at Vernon and said,

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