Chapter 18

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Author's note: There are several sections of conversations that I took directly from Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire. Those sections are the sections pertaining to Hagrid showing Harry and Madame Maxime the Dragons, and when right before the first task when the champions are in the tent.

Albus, Remus, Severus, Minerva, Mad-eye, Madame Maxime, Igor Karkaroff, and Harry all went to Dumbledore's office. Once everyone was in there, Igor ran towards Harry and started yelling at him. Harry backed up and Remus pushed past Igor and said,

"Harry how did you get your name into the Goblet of Fire? Did you get one of the older students to do it for you?" Harry shook his head no and said,

"I didn't do it. I don't know how my name got in there. I don't even want to participate. I am only 14 and even if I was 17 I still wouldn't want to do this." Igor made a sound and said,

"The boy is lying. He is not even looking you in the face. That is proof right there that someone is lying." Remus turned and looked at Igor and said,

"He doesn't look people in the eye he never has. I believe my son. Albus can we please get him out of this; He is way too young to have to be doing this." Albus looked at the group and said,

"Unfortunately Harry is required to participate. I wish it was different but the goblet has a legally binding contract that states if a person's name is produced by the goblet that he/she must participate. I wish I could get you out Harry but my hands are tied. I care about you Harry I really do. I just can't fix this." Remus, Severus, and Minerva all looked at each other in shock at what Albus just said. Then Minerva said,

"Harry if you would please wait right outside the office, Igor & Madame Maxime, would you give us a few minutes please." The three of them left the office leaving Albus, Severus, Minerva, and Remus alone. Minerva pulled out her wand and cast 'Silencio' on the office then turned to Albus and said, "Okay start talking what do you mean you care about Harry. Since when in the last 14 years have you given a rats ass about that boy?" Albus looked puzzled and said,

"I do care about the boy. I have cared for him since he was a baby. He is almost like a son to me. Why what do you guys know that I don't?" Minerva grabbed a piece of parchment paper and a quill and said,

"I want you to sign your name like you are signing a legal document." Albus took the paper and signed his name. Minerva showed it to the others and then said, " Someone has been impersonating you. They have made Harry's life a living hell. 'You' told Poppy not to heal Harry only to make sure he wouldn't die. I had to tell her it was okay to heal him." Remus chimed in next,

" Your impersonator also made several death threats towards Harry." Severus spoke up next,

"The imposter also made Harry's uncle use him as a human punching bag. You also had us change our curriculum to teach more along the lines of teaching the dark arts." Albus sank into his chair and then said,

" I had no idea this was going on. It makes sense why my lemon drops tasted bad. I tossed them and got a new jar. It would also explain the random cup of tea that would appear on my desk. I would drink the tea and then go to sleep. It felt like I slept for weeks at a time. I wake up in my bed with no memory of how I got there or what had happened. I also have weeks that I can't account for in my memories." Minerva then said,

"Well I would recommend not drinking any random cups of tea that appear on your desk."

"There hasn't been one yet this year so far."

"Well that's good!" Severus said.

"Just be careful please Albus we don't need anything happening to you." Minerva added. With that Severus, Remus and Minerva left the office. Harry stood up as the adults left the office. He looked at them and Remus put his arms out towards his cub. Harry went to him and hugged him. Albus stuck his head of his office and said,

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