Chapter Four: The rubble or our sins

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Pompeii, Rome, 79 CE

Crowley downed the last of her beer and motioned for the bartender to bring her another one. She sat alone at the bar counter, both seats next to her were empty, which she didn't mind in the least. She always sat alone these days. She wore a long black chiton that she knew flattered her, the straps fell elegantly off her shoulder and a necklace in the shape of snake rested over her collar bones. She looked stunning and not a single soul could deny it. No one dared come near her. They had figured that she was someone they should stay away from on her first night there when some drunk man had groped her thigh and she had- without saying a word- lifted it off her and broke every single bone in his hand. That had taught them fast enough to leave her alone. Even the ones who weren't regulars quickly learned not to mess with Crowley. Except one, apparently, Crowley thought as someone tapped her on the shoulder.

"Crowley?" a familiar voice asked from behind her. A voice that she hadn't heard in almost forty years. She swiveled around and found herself facing Aziraphale, who looked much the same as when she had last seen him at Petronius's restaurant. Her heart most certainly did not start beating like a racehorse as the angel smiled at her. Aziraphale stepped back and took in the new outfit, the long hair pulled over one shoulder, the necklace.

"You look lovely my dear." He said, completely oblivious to the fact that now everyone in the tavern was staring at them, most likely wondering something along the lines of: Who the hell is that man and why has she not killed him already?

Aziraphale proceeded to shock the room even more by asking to sit with her and ordering a drink. The bartender side-eyed Aziraphale and gave Crowley a look that she could interpret as: Do you need this one handled? Crowley smiled and shook her head. Aziraphale drained his drink impressively fast even for Crowley's standards.

"It is quite nice to see you again Crowley, it has been far to long." Aziraphale spoke as he set his cup down on the counter.

"I agree," she allowed herself to give him a full smile, completely aware that she was baffling the entire room by doing so. This will give them something to talk about. She took one last swig of beer before standing up and holding her hand out to Aziraphale.

"Columba?" the pet name slipped off her tongue, "Shall we go elsewhere?" She hoped Aziraphale would take a hint. She did still have a reputation, and she would rather salvage what little of it she had left. She tossed a few coins on the table as Aziraphale stood up and took her hand, following behind her as she led him into the busy streets of Pompeii.

The creeping darkness did nothing to deter the crowds of people bustling in the misshaped streets. Crowley pushed through them, leading Aziraphale away from the backstreets and into the main square where people were beginning to light torches as the sun set, illuminating the mountain that overlooked the city. Crowley dropped the angel's hand and turned around to face Aziraphale, who had been uncharacteristically quiet, only to find him staring at her intensely with an unreadable expression.

"Out with it," she flicked her hand, "I know you have something to say so spit it out already."

"How long have you been in Pompeii?" Aziraphale asked, fidgeting with his ring.

Crowley narrowed her eyes in suspicion, "Three or four years now."

"So... not too many attachments then?" Aziraphale wouldn't meet her eyes.

"What, exactly do you mean by that?" Crowley hissed, suddenly defensive. She didn't know where this was going, but she didn't like it.

"Oh- you know, houses, restaurants, music," he hesitated and raised an eyebrow at her, "humans."

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