Chapter 1

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"One for the money, two for the show, Superior's ready,

let's go, go, go !!"

With perfect timing the six Superior cheerleaders

and their alternate executed the last cheer of the practice session,

finishing as Coach Kate Harmon blew her whistle.

"Great job for a Monday! 

Let's quit while were ahead," she called.

" All right !" Daniel Padilla's exclamation and

his quick glance toward the open doors

leading to the lobby made them all laugh.

He'd just spotted Kathryn Bernardo, his girlfriend

who attended St. Engborg High school,

waiting for him outside the gym

as the squad begin their final cheer.

"With the exception of Daniel, who's promised us a

new routine very soon, you may leave," the Coach added.

"I haven't forgotten," Daniel blurred. "Im working on it, Honest!!.

When Kath glanced up from the book she'd be reading,

Daniel signaled that he'd be a few minutes and hurried into

the locker room with Enrique Gil, the other male member of

the best cheerleading squad in the league. Not only was

Daniel a terrific athlete, he was about the best looking boy

Kathryn knew. The fact that he knew it too, only made it

more fun to tease him.

Kathryn smiled and went back to her book. Fifteen minutes

later she look up again at the sound of voices, but they are

all feminine. Julia Barreto, the squad captain, came out with Janella salvador, Michelle

Vito. They all waved as they headed to parking lot.

"Waiting for Daniel, no doubt,' Jasmine Curtis called as she and Liza Soberano came through the doors.

Kathryn nodded at the pretty redhead. "I thought I'd surprise him by showing up after practice. Does he always take this long in the locker room?"

"Ever since Enrique got his new car, the two of them get into long discussions about driving," Liza said.

Long and boring," Jasmine added. " He also told Coach Harmon he was designing a new routine for us, based on some gymnastic moves. He might be tied up for a while. Want to come with us? Were just going to stop by the video store,".

"No thanks. I'll wait, but if Daniel not out here soon, I'll go in there and pull him out myself."

"Now, that I'd love to see," Jasmine replied as she and Liza left the lobby.

The next voices were decidedly male. Enrique was taller than Daniel and his sandy hair was still wet from the shower. Daniel dark hair was disheveled but his expression was animated. He handed Enrique his books ang gestured with his hand as they approarched. " . . . the  buffer and polish worked perfectly. The Fiero's never had such shine; it was a real surprise." He stopped as they reached Kathryn, his grin wide. "This is the best surprise, through. What have you been doing out here besides spying for St. Engborg's cheerleaders?"

Hah! Our cheerleaders do just fine. What I've been doing is waiting for you Kid," Kathryn replied.

"And I'm well worth the wait,' Daniel shot back, pretending to grimace as she punched him lightly. He looked back at Enrique "Check out the automotive shop in the mall. I'm almost positive they carry the buffer".

Before Kathryn could add anything, the car conversation resumed and with sigh she sat back on the bench and opened her book. When Enrique finally tugged  it from her fingers, he was laughing. "I get the hint even if Daniel doesnt. Sorry all about the car talk. I'll leave you two alone. Great to see you Kath." With that , Enrique, too, headed for the parking lot.

Kathryn was about to follow when Daniel put his arm across her shoulder. "How about a quick look in the Mat Room with me?"

She arched her eyebrows behind her glasses. "Let me guess. You're taking up wrestling".
"No way! I ate lunch with some guys from the gymnastics team. They're working up a new routine, some of which might be perfect for  Enrique and me to incorporate into a cheer. Come on, lets take a look." He hurried her back across the gym floor, his arm still around her shoulder. "What are you doing over here anyway?"

Kath matched his pace."I thought you'd never ask. Diego Loyzaga, a guy in my english class, and I are doing a research project on Margaret Wolfe."

Dj nodded, already studying the routine in progress in the open Mat Room. "Awesome," he whispered.

"I thought so, too," Kath replied. "

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2017 ⏰

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