That was close..

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- Your point of view -

Chloe: well I guess I am going then

Y/n: are you sure? It's pretty dangerous out there and-

Chloe: yes I am sure, I mean I don't want to bother you both, so bye guys

Y/n: o-okay

Chloe: *walks out of the room, closes the door behind her and sighs*

Finn: *lays down on the bed* pff

Y/n: that was close..

Finn: yeah, for real

Y/n: *looks at him* hey, are you okay?

Finn: yeah

Y/n: are you sure?

Finn: I am fine baby

Y/n: *walks to him and lays down on top of him, leans your head down on his chest and closes eyes*

Finn: *smiles and strokes your hair softly*

Y/n: *you smile to yourself* I love you Finn

Finn: I love you too Y/n *wraps his arms around you*

Y/n: you know that this is my favourite place to be?

Finn: it is?

Y/n: yeah it is *smiles and looks up to him*

Finn: *smiles* my favourite place is everywhere where you are

Y/n: *blushes*

Finn: *smiles and kisses your forhead softly* you're so cute

Y/n: *blushes even more and hides face in his chest*

Finn: *chuckles*

Y/n: *giggles* why am I cute?

Finn: because it's a fact *cuddles you*

Y/n: aww *smiles*

Finn: and I don't want that anything bad happens to you

Y/n: same for you, I love you so much

Finn: I love you way more

Y/n: *smiles and cuddles him again*

Finn: my baby

Y/n: my king *smiles*

*a weird noise comes from the hallway*

Y/n: *scares* what was that??

Finn: I don't know, but shh it's okay. I am with you 


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