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This story is a lie and a truth at the same time.

I mix fiction with reality, coming from both what I've experienced, read and thought about. This came from the darkness of the tunnel and the light at the end of it. I write this story as a reflection, as a novel, as an exploration, but more importantly, I write this story as a need.

This story came from a place of no hope but only a pen and a final wisp of will to drag oneself back from hell.

This is the story from a silenced heart.

There will be mistakes in this first draft. Like a lot of mistakes because the first draft tends to be the place to figure things out. (There will still be mistakes after many drafts). I welcome corrections but know that I'll take time to correct them.

I have done quite a bit of research about the topics that I'm dealing with, but I want to express that there is some limit to this research. I might have some errors in it and do not depict some things as realistic as I like. Don't be afraid to point them out. If you're actually a therapist in real life or have went through certain things depicted here, don't be afraid to state your opinion about the story's depiction of it. The more opinions I have, the more I can understand how to tackle this story in the best way possible. :)

I am tackling a character that is dealing with suicidal thoughts, which means that it can be triggering for some people. Some of Olivia's reasoning about life and death may affect someone's idea about it and it may bring about unpleasant consequences. I want to write this part as realistic as possible but I also want to state that if you're sensitive towards such matters, please do not read this book.

Either way, enjoy reading if you can! XD. I genuinely want to make this work the best I can do (it's an important story to me if you haven't guessed it yet and for that, I won't have an updating schedule up yet as I'm still working on the research and the framework of this story. I know my works aren't great and I'm an amateur at a lot of things when comes to writing but I promise you that I'll do my best for this novel.

(I doubt anybody would plagiarize my work but till I get that plagiarism note thing in, I'll just kindly warn you not to. That's all, till I get that official note thing. )

Because if there aren't these people around, it's lonely place to write. (Also, 😶 some of them are the ones who persuaded me to actually upload something even if I haven't...*cough* write out everything. So yeah.) (I actually plan to say something about how you guys helped me but I end up writing recommendations


This is the crime lady, who writes crime drama mixed with gay love. Also, there's no sugarcoating bad stuff so if you're sick of people sugarcoating gangsters and how good they are, check her series (Book one is Paint Me a Murder). XD Also, poetic language as a bonus. Furthermore, if you need a guide on how to be psycho, she definitely has many psychos in her story to learn from. XD


This person will write ten books in the future, write about twenty main characters and probably a hundred in total. (This is all taken from primary source.) That being said, her book is pretty cool—fun characters and an ominous plot (judging from one of the chapters). It's fantasy and it is about people with certain ability going to an academy so if you are a fan of it, go for it! (Also, bonus: She gives feedback on your book if you ask for it, provided you check her book out.)


This person writes werewolf stories with unusual twists on cliches, and—female characters that are independent! So if you want a strong and interesting female protagonists, definitely check her works out. (also she wrote some other works. Her ONC entry is slow-burn but definitely have its intrigue too.) XD Also, she has quite an intriguing style for those who prefer deep descriptions.


Often priding herself upon writing a unique plot, she writes about LGBT+ in a very different way compared to others. With characters that makes you annoyed and amused at their antics, she brings the two main characters together gradually and shows themes of liberation and suffering. XD It's romance but it's also embedded with other genres so it isn't just about kissing and hormones rush. (Also, check her poetry work. It's pretty good.


She's writing a serial killer story from the killer's perspective and another person who interacts with him without knowing what he is actually. Also, the killer is an artist, so it adds another level of intrigue. It's an interesting take on the serial killer genre so try it out! (Also, this person has a lot of comments when comes to books like *cough* After*cough*. So if you aren't that much of a fan, it might be interesting to check that out too.)


Copyright © 2019 by AL Sherry

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereofmay not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoeverwithout the express written permission of the publisherexcept for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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