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Crumbs from all of the food that Haydn and I have eaten poke my thighs, making me irritated. The lights from the kitchen glow through the crack from under the door.

"NEMO?!" Marlin yells, seeking for his son. We're basically at the best part.. so everyone, and I mean everyone is silent.

It's a little weird... sitting next to Haydn when I'm out of school. His cheeks are really red, because I can see a little bit of his face when I watch the movie.

He rolls to his side, facing me.... that catches my attention. "Hey, are you starting to get a little tired?" His textured voice echoes into my head.

I immediately reply. Yes. He stares at my cheekbones, not looking away. I start tapping my foot nervously on the carpeted ground.

I slyly scoot away from Haydn, signaling that he should stop whatever he is doing. But he doesn't understand that signal.

"Haydn stop that!" I whisper, my voice blending in with Dory's. Luckily Alfie and Lydia can't see what's going on in my messy little corner.

He turns his head, noticing what he has been doing. "Grace, I'm super sorry. Th-this is j-ju-just awkward. Um...." He looks down at his knees with embarrassment.

He makes me giggle only because he's trying so hard to act normal, to be casual with me outside of school with me. He's trying.... so hard.

"It's okay Haydn..." I say with a smile stuck on my face. I place my hand on his shoulder, hoping he will look up and we'll have 'the moment' that friends always look back at and laugh about. Because it's one of those 'let me try super hard to be serious' moments that all of us have.

Haydn's hair flicks up, his eyes looking deeply into mine. I can see that he is truly tired.. easily.

"Hey, uh... you want to wait while I go grab some more pillows for us, since those two took practically all of them?" I ask him, prepared to get up.

He shakes his head, no. "You don't need to do that. I can come with you, or if you want I can help grab them."

I don't think Haydn notices that it's only pillows.... it's not like we're bringing cats and my million-pound comforter.

"Haydn, it's not that hard! I can do it... it's only some pillows and blankets."

"Well.. your not..."

"Don't tell me I'm not the strongest girl that you know, because I already know that." I held my hand up in his face (not with too much sass) and walked out of the room struggling, trying to keep the light from sneaking into the room.

***10 minutes later***

I'm situating my small space right now, pillows my head and arms. My top is still a small bit damp... because I was too lazy to grab a whole new outfit.

Apparently Gemma is up in her room doing whatever and Mom is asleep. Harry is probably hiding in this room, or is up in his bedroom. I feel bad for him, cause I pushed him away... but who cares? Not him... I know that for s fact.

It's like... ehm.. 12:20? Nemo is found, so that's good. Alfie is addicted to the movie, Lydia looks really tired as well as Haydn, and I'm a bit tired but mostly bored to death.

I hear murmuring from the right side of the room. I slightly turn my head, and Alfie and Haydn are talking to each other.

"Be quiet.." Lydia whispers to herself, meaning to say it to them.

They still talk, making Lydia frustrated. "Shut up, we're at the good part." She doesn't seem to show it, though.

I crawl over to the other side of the room, behind Haydn then Alfie. I over hear their conversation.

Alfie nudges Haydn's shoulder, both of them acting like they've been watching the movie this whole time. What I find a little funny is they're keeping secrets like a girl would do, and then create this stupid drama that no one cares about.


sorry that this was incredibly short. I just wanted to get it out... I'll try to make the next chapter longer... anyway..do you like it?

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