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I slip off my converse and throw my book bag by the leather couch. It's close to being dead silent in the house right now, so I'm guessing Harry is probably playing with one of our few cats in his room.

"Harry?" I call out.

"What?" I hear a faint voice reply.

I don't answer only because I yell for his name just to see if I have the house to myself or not. Normally I am the first one home, so I dance around the house listening to music. But not today.

"Grace?" I shouts, his voice closer than it was before. I walk to the kitchen all of the sudden craving fruit snacks. I walk to the pantry and search with my eyes, standing there stiffly.


He ends up behind me, and looks at me with his big, hazel eyes. I think he is trying to reenact what he did when he was 6 and I was 7ish, but it ain't workin'.

I put my hands on my hips and glare at him with the same look I did this morning. He puts his hands on his hips, mimicking me.

"Stop that!"

He rolls his eyes like I would to him or Gemma. I shake my head, and of course he over exaggerates his head.

"Where are my fruit snacks?" I say slowly, going back to what started everything off.

"Harry!" I complain waiting for an answer. This time he is taking over, even though I'm the older one.

I march over to the fridge mumbling to myself.

"You can't just take my food like that." I pout.

"That's my food. That's like kidnapping someone's child. You get your food, and I get mine. SO DON'T LAY A FINGER ON MY FOOD!" I say louder than I expected to him.

"Well I'm sorry for 'kidnapping' your stupid food." Harry says going back to his young 15 year-old self.

I open the fridge door and notice Mom hasn't gone to the store yet this week. And she is technically the only one who can drive, but she is at work. The only thing in there is Harry's food that he asked for.

"I'm going to eat your food. Don't complain."


"Too bad Styles. You ate my fruit snacks."

I grab his left over... OLIVES?


"Exactly... are you stupid?"

No, not that I recall. What am I saying of course I'm not stupid!

"Harry, come here." I say like one of my teachers. He slowly walks over, when I grab him.

"Don't trick me with food.. got it?"

He slips through my arms and stands in front of me.

"Yeah like that's going to happen. I ate your food, and it was good. Who cares besides you?"

"Forget it." I walk away from him to my room. I might as well just grab my earbuds to listen to my music.

***10 minutes later***

I'm listening to Owl City right now, Fireflies. The best song ever. I'm even dancing around every now and then, texting my friends on my flip phone.

There is only three of my contacts besides Mom and Dad that I care about.. that's Haydn, Lydia, and Alfie. Haydn, well he's... yeah. Lydia is my best friend that I always hang out with, and Harry loves her... like ADORES her. It's pretty creepy. Anyway, Alfie is one of my good friends that I can talk to about anything. He's so sweet, but when he is annoying I want to slap him so hard.

Since it is Friday, I asked my mom if I could invite Alfie, Lydia, and maybe Haydn. I'm not sure, but those are the only friends I actually care about. Don't get me wrong, I love my other friends.. it's just that they get in my way most times, and I hate it.

My phone vibrated the palm of my hand, while I did a leap, turn, thing to the couch. I flipped open my phone with sass, and read the text from Lydia.

Would you like me to come now, or at 5:45 when everyone else is coming?

Should she come now? We could hang out, get ready for the stuff.. like get pillows and blankets and build a fort, classic. Lydia has built a pillow fort only 3 times in her whole entire life. Crazy, right?

Yeah, that's fine. Bring your toothbrush. Alfie is coming, Haydn might.

Should I invite Haydn over? I don't know why this is such a hard choice for me... of course I should! I think.

I lay on the couch and begin to text him.

Hi Haydn. Can you come over/sleep over at my house? Lydia and Alfie are coming. No clue what we want to do...

I sent it, and I'm most likely going to calm him just to get a quicker reply. I dial his number, and listen to my phone ringing in my ear. He picks up.

"Hello?" He says, cluelessly.

"Hi Haydn. It's Grace."

"Oh.. uh... hi Grace!"

I smile even though he can't see my face.

"Hi. So did you get my text?"

"No. What did it say?"

"Oh. I thought you just weren't replying. I was just saying how I was inviting Lydia and Alfie over tonight to sleep over, we could do whatever. Do you think you can come, by any chance?"

"Um.. let me just check to see with my Mom. Hold on, okay?"

"Okay.." I can tell he already is running to his mom, because I can hear the scratching sound from his shirt, or nails.

Three minutes after waiting, he starts talking to me.

"My mom said yes. I'm bringing my toothbrush.. when should I be there?"

"Be here at six. Thanks, got to go." I end the all before he replies, and start thinking about him. He knows what he needs to do, that is what I like about him.

I toss my phone to my feet, having it dodge my ankles. I'm spread out, looking like a starfish.

"I'll just wait for Lydia to come." I thought to myself.

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