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There is a lot to say about Antarctica, in fact some of them are mystery, some of them are natural wonders, some of which are scientifically important. But of course it's a myth that has become a rumor.

  Now I'm hearing you say that documentaries)) Anyone who has not already said that you have the right to go to Antartica without a passport and visa. Colonization on ANTARTICA is prohibited. Military superiors are prohibited. In fact, Antartica is the continent of all of us. flag state language race is not available. Who wants to go immediately. According to the chaos theorists the Antarctica is probably the secret superiors of the United States and Russia, there are lakes and oceans under the Antarctica, or it is not possible to hear the chain of mysteries that our minds will not take.

globe worlds in the stations of Antartica in no way the 24-hour and 6-month cycle of the return of the sun is not recorded in the questions asked about this because of the cold and the old NASA devices are difficult to get the answer because he said.
flat earthers go on top of these events and bring more scientific explanation to these events, according to the spheres Nasa 2-year journey 2 billion kilometers away at a speed of 101,000 km per hour to the robot called Bennu
Or by saying that we are going to space made by Abd rockets after a certain distance and draw on the top of Antartica'nın jumping
That they bombed the sky with nuclear bombs? They said that they gave this project the name of the aquarium project.

Or that the flat world map of the flat world and the similarity on the map of the United Nations flag is the same
  there are so many mysterious things that can be counted, but the only common point is of course ANTARTICA. I wonder if all the secrets are hidden in the antarctica? Say what? On adventure !! Are you ready to go to Antarctica?
My book is purely fiction.

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