Chapter 4

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Alex POV:

Oh god what is he doing to him?! I just stand there and watch. After the bully leaves with his friends I run to the boy who has helped me "oh my god are you okay? I'm sorry ..." I try to help him up, fuck....that all happened just because of me. I bet he hates me now

The boy weakly wipes the blood from his face and fails to sit up. "S-Should I call an ambulance?", I ask. He shakes his head. "Go back inside. There's.. There's a nurse at our school. Her room is next to the library.."

I nod and run to the library as fast as I can. There's another door next to the library gates. I knock at it and an elderly woman opens. She looks like the kind of nice grandma you see in movies, the one who always bakes cookies for her grandchildren. "What's the matter?", she asks. I take a deep breath and force myself to talk. " got beat up by the fat bo- uhm, I mean, a bully... punched and kicked him.." I blushed at the sound of my awkward words.

The woman smiled softly. "Take me there", she says. I start walking towards the door and turn around every few steps to make sure she's following me.

We get to the boy that saved me. He's still laying on the ground, is breath going fast, his eyes closed. The nurse gets on her knees next to him. "Hey, what happened? I'm sorry honey, I don't know your name. Tell me who you are and what happened to you and it's gonna be okay."

(Jack's POV)

Alexander and the nurse are staring at me. I manage to whisper,

"My name's Jack. kicked by...Someone.."

A wave of pain runs through my body and I close my eyes. I feel so weak. I hate feeling weak.

"Well, Jack, your nose is obviously broken", the nurse says. She gently touches my stomach, and even that hurts. I shiver. "And I'm afraid one of your ribs is broken, too."

She looks at Alexander. "Stay here with Jack while I go to the payphone in the school yard and call an ambulance.", she says.

•• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• ••

((Sup guys!

Long no see!

I hope you still like and read it...

We really try our best for that fic.

I've prepared a Kellic one shot, idk if you'd want to read it.

Anyway, thank u for reading that!

Much love))

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