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Daniel and I run deep into the forest, only stopping when the store owners yells become faint to the ear.

I let go of his hand and crouch down on the forest floor, hands deeply nestled into my hair. I look at Daniel.
"Holy shit what am I going to do?" I peer at my knees.

"What the hell I am going to do?" I whisper as tears start to fall from my eyes.

Sean wouldn't want me to sit and cry, he'd want me to save him.

I let a few more tears escape from my eyes before standing again. I take a shaky deep breath before turning to Daniel. Kneeling in front of him I take both his hands.

"We are going to save your brother."


We decided that it would be easier to save Sean under the cover of the night.

Daniel and I sneak over to the back of the building. I go to reach for the door, but Daniel stops me and points to the vent. Which now extremely noticeable voices are coming through. One the store keeper and the other... Sean? We wait until the sounds go away.

"Sean?" We both say at the same time. Causing us to both look at each other, tiny smiles on our faces.

"Daniel? (Y/N)? Are you guys okay?" Sean says worriedly.

Daniel starts "Yeah I think so-"

"That bastard chased us into the woods." I finish

Daniel then looks to either side of us and then leans closer to the vent.

"Is he gone? I'm kinda scared." This causes me to pat his back comfortingly.

"Enano, you're doing great. You guys totally fooled them! Thanks to you, we might actually get out of here!" I can tell that immediately calms him down.

"Yeah?" Daniel says, eyes filled with hope.

"Yeah. Now c'mon we better hurry he called the police." Sean says though the vent. I go around and check the door.

Locked. As I expected.

"Hey Sean, do you see anything other than the door that could be useful?" I to the vent.

"Uh there's a window by it, if you want to check it out." By the window was a neon sign, I turned it on.

"Did that help?" Daniel said from his spot by the vent.

"Yeah, just be careful, he might've saw it." He stops for a second.
"Do you guys see a tool anywhere around? Like a wrench or screwdriver, just something sturdy."

"I don't know where one is!" Daniel says, panicked.

"Enano, I can't really see out there. Just, look around for something nearby."  Sean sighs.

"Okay I'm looking." Daniel says. I search around for one too but he finds one first. He sticks it through the vent.

"This is perfect!" Sean says. We hear a few scratching sounds, like something being moved. Until we see keys come out of the vent. Daniel looks at me and I nod. He dashes to open the door. As soon as it's open he runs to his brother and hugs him. I let out the biggest smile and sigh of relief. I look at his hands and raid the desk next to them for a pair of scissors. 

"Sean! I was so scared!" Daniel says, still attached to Sean's hip.

"What happened to your face?" This makes me turn around and see that Sean has blood coming from both his nostrils. I let out a gasp.

"That bastard happened." Sean looks pissed.

After cutting the zip tie I look up at Sean. I let my worriedness take over.

"I'm so fucking sorry. I understand if you're angry at me for leav-"

"LET GO OF ME!" Daniel shouts. Only to hear a man's loud scream and metal clanking to the floor.

We both head into the store to see a destruction zone around Daniel.

"What the hell?" I say looking around.

"What happened? What did you do?" Sean says, confused.

"I don't know, I don't know what happened." Daniel looks around scared.

"It's okay. You're safe now." I say calmly.

"C-Come on Daniel, let's go before the cops show up." Sean grabs his hand and I run behind them.

We reach a car and Sean points to it.
"Over there, let's go!"

"I-I don't know." Daniel hesitates.

"We have no choice." I lean down.

There's a man in the back of seat, he looks vaguely familiar, he's typing and has a thick beard. Paired with thick rimmed glasses.

"Woah man, what the hell are you guys doing out here? You almost scared the shit out of me! Are you guys okay? You don't look okay."

"That asshole at the gas station tied me up and put me in his back office. I swear okay?"

Brody immediately gets out of his car.

"Dude, say no more, shits crazy out in the woods. Get in, all of you." He rushes to the drivers seat, Sean in passenger and Daniel and I in the back.

He then steps on the gas pedal and speeds off into the road.

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