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"Once upon a time... In a wild... wild world... there were two wolf brothers with their friend raccoon, living in their home lair with their papa wolf and raccoon family... They all lived happily together, but..."

"One day... hunters took the brother's Dad away... Forever."

"So now the brothers were alone... and they had to find a new home... They started a journey with the raccoon... through the great big forest."

"They wandered for days and nights, learning how to live on their own... for the first time..."

"They slept in the backwoods among creepy creatures, and barely ate anything."

"They eventually found a peaceful orchard, and were able to eat in peace... But they didn't know..."

"Hunters tried to tie them up... but they managed to escape, with the help of a friendly bear."

"He showed them how to survive, and helped them find a warm camp for the night."

"That's when the big brother and raccoon discovered... that the little one... was not an ordinary wolf... but a superwolf!"

"That's how they found themselves even further, headed to the faraway land of their papa, where they hope... to find peace."

————————-Episode 2———————

I stuff my hands deep into the pockets of Brody's hoodie and slide myself closer to Sean.

"Try with this one." Sean nods to a rock in front of us.

"That one's too easy! Look!" Daniel rolls his eyes and turns towards the rock.

"Don't brag, Dan. It was too heavy for you a few days ago!" I smirk.

"I told you to stop calling me that (Y/n)." Daniel rolls his eyes, causing me to laugh.

He turns back before lifting the rock in the air for a few moments.

"Let's try to lift something else. Not too heavy though. I'm a little tired." I smile and nod, before pointing at Sean.

"I double dog dar-" my hand gets slapped away before I could finish my joke. Sean rolls his eyes.

"You know I'm not going to give you food tonight if you keep it up."I raise my hands in defense.

"You wouldn't, I help you cook." He laughs.

"Looking over my shoulder the entire time is NOT helping." I put my hand over my heart and fake gasp.

"DANIEL! PICK THIS MAN UP AND THROW HIM IN THE RIVER!" Daniel giggles and pretends to lift him. Sean clears his throat, not after he lets a small laugh out by accident.

"Let's get back to training."

I drift off for a second, only for my face to be met by cold snow. Shocked, I wipe it off my face only to see Daniel and Sean laughing hysterically. I grin.

"Oh, you wanna play this game? Alright-" I put my hand up as if to surrender, but slowly bend down.

"-I'll bite." I quickly pick up snow from the ground and throw it at Sean, hitting him directly in the chest. I form another snow ball and try to throw it at Daniel, only to have it stop mid-air and fly back at me. I gasp and start clapping only to have another snowball thrown at me by Sean, hitting me at the hip.

I laugh and start to form another snow ball.


After training, Daniel starts coughing aggressively.

"Hey, that still sounds nasty... You're not getting better..." Sean says while I rub Daniel's back.

"I told you guys, I'm fine... just... a little beat."he looks up at both of us.

Sean puts his hand on Daniel's shoulder.

"Well. You need to rest now. Superhero."

"Can we go back now?" I nod, knees cracking as I stand.

"Yeah. Let's just fill up the canteens before we head back." We walk to the river.

"That cough has been going on for days, Daniel... I really don't like that." Sean's body tenses, causing me to give him a soft look.

"I'm fine Sean, we've just been outside for a while."  I give Daniel a cautious look.

"But if you felt really bad, you'd tell us right?" He nods begrudgingly.

"You did awesome today Daniel. I'm really proud of you. We've been practicing for just a few weeks, but... your progress is... crazy." Sean pats him on the back.

"Thank you Sean..." He pauses and I playfully glare at him. He giggles.

"...AND (Y/n). I couldn't have done it without your guys help."

We walk over to the dock, Daniel sitting himself on the old wood. I crouch by Sean and grab the canteens at the edge of the dock.

"Here we go..."

Daniel takes his canteen from Sean.

"The helitanker is over the wildfire zone. Get ready for water extraction, Ranger Diaz!"

Sean, filling his canteen, looks up as Daniel begins to fill his canteen using his power. He smiles.

"Nice work Daniel, all that training is paying off."  I laugh and fill my own canteen.

"That water is just so fucking cold!" Daniel blurts out. I freeze, Sean freezes, we look at each other. I let out a small laugh but Sean quickly sends me a look, I fall silent.

"Hey bro, don't swear." I look at Daniel's  shock filled face before clearing my throat to sound more like an adult.

"I agree with your brother because he's your family." Sean rakes a cold hand into his hair and sighs.

"Y/N. You're part of our family, if you have a different opinion I want you to say something."

I clear my throat and turn to Daniel, not before making a quick cautionary look to Sean.

"Honestly Daniel, I personally don't mind if you swear. But, I understand why Sean doesn't want you too. Out in public it can make people shocked, which can lead to to all of us being recognized. So I get it Dan, but maybe not yet." I give an apologetic smile to Daniel and he rolls his eyes.

"Okayyy, I won't swear." Sean gives me a curt thank you nod as we head indoors.

The sun was already starting to set as we enter the not so abandoned house we've set up shop in. I shiver and take my shoes off to get rid of the wet snow, I place them by the wood stove, rubbing my hands to create friction.

I sit down on the bed watching Sean put another tally mark on the chalk board in front of him.

"Man, you get better every day Dan." I smile at Daniel from my place on the bed. He smiles at me before turning to the small kitchen, levitating a plate.

"Guys. I think this place is h-h-haunted-d." Daniel move the plate around the room before he places it back on the counter it was sat on.

"Time to go over the rules again Enano." Daniel groans and he sits nexts to me on the couch, I put my arm around his shoulders and Sean couches down below us, hands loosely clasped.

"First rule?"

Escapism (Sean x reader) Where stories live. Discover now