Chapter 2

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Omfgg Ik I'm shit at updating aknsjsjska I'm so sorry 😁 I promise to be better ! buT TEST WEEK IS OVER YASSS!! finally ugh idk how long this chap is bc I'm on my phone but it's a lil bit shortish? Idk , I'll let you read now


I reached into my backpack to get my house key and unlocked the door , ashton and I both walked in "your mom changed a lot of furniture since the last time I was here.." I remember the last time Ashton was here .

It was the day after I came out luke and I was so happy that ashton was still talking to me , I thought he wouldn't because Luke probably already told him.. but any way , we were really lazy that day so we ordered some takeout and played a few video games when ashton got a call from Luke , when he picked up , luke told him everything , I wasn't ready for anyone to know but him..and he couldn't care less. After Ashton found out , he left my house with a mad look on his face , and since then he hasn't said a word to me until today .

"Uhh Michael are you okay? you kinda zoned out?" I snapped back into reality "umm yah I just need to go wash up" I slowly went up the stairs up to my room and went into the bathroom. I took off all my clothes and looked at my body in the mirror , god I'm so ugly . I examined my ribs and saw two huge purple bruises on each side peaking out from the bandages. My knee was busted so was my elbow I washed up and dried my self , throwing my clothes into the laundry basket , I turned the cold door knob of the bathroom to go into my room to pick some clothes out . I was only in my boxers when I left the bathroom , SHIT ashton was in my room , i completely forgot !

Ashton stared at me for a while before walking up to me , I stood completely frozen . He saw all my scars and cuts that I didn't want anyone to see , great. He looked at the cuts on my stomach , thighs and hips "Michael? did you do this to your self ?" He asked me an obvious rhetorical question , he grabbed my wrists and took a long look at the both of them "this too?" I nodded with my face down looking at my feet "this is all Luke isn't it?" I nodded again this time you could barely notice . I noticed his eyes becoming glassy and the rim of his eyes becoming red , tears started to flow from his eyes.

He pulled me into a hug "Im so sorry Michael , I really am , if I could change everything I would , no one should be treated like this ! If you need anyone to talk to Im right here okay?" he said between breaths , he let me go of his hug "hey c'mon lets get you into some clean clothes" I grabbed some grey sweat pants and a navy blue hoodie that was Luke's but he let me borrow this one time I was over at his house and got a little cold.

"So um call me if you need anything ?" ashton said as he was walking to the door "uhm ash? d-do you mind staying? like you know if you haven't got anything important to do ? I feel like talking to someone" I honestly needed someone now and ashton was the only person I feel like I'm actual warming up to , it hasn't even been a full day but I feel like I can trust him like I used to before.
"Yah sure I mean if you want me to I thought that you wouldn't want me around" he closed my room door again and walked closer to me. We both sat on my bed with a tune of an arctic monkeys song playing in the background.

"Michael , can I trust you something ?" Ashton suddenly asked weirdly enough , I think he was warming up to me too. "um yah sure , it's not like I have anyone to tell it to anyway" oh wow that just made me sound like such a loner ugh "well um okay , In year 9 , this girl Tory I was dating was beautiful and I was totally into her.." oh god is he going to tell me how he lost his virginity ? "ashton I don't want to know how you took each others virginity" I said with a slight laugh

"oh god Michael no ! let me continue , so i was 100% sure I loved her and everything about her ..okay don't judge that was like 3 years ago , so we went to Perth for Christmas that year to my grandmas house and all my cousins and their friends were there and well...I kissed my cousins best friend...he was a guy.."WHAT THE ACTUAL SHIT !!! my jaw dropped to the floor "umm ashton? does luke know about this ???"
"No one but you , me and Connor do .."
"Who's connor?"
"The guy I kissed, he moved to Sydney right after that Christmas , so I found him and well were dating , it's been 2 years"
HOLY SHIT ASHTON IS GAY "How come luke never found out?"
"Well I'm kinda still in the closet , only my mum Harry and Lauren know ... well you and connor too but I haven't actually came out yet" he explained

"wait what about your dad?" I asked regretting it the second I did , realizing his face dropping.
"W-well um my Dad kinda left one day and never came back so.." shit I shouldn't have asked that "I'm sorry ash.."I apologized "yah it's been rough but we managed to pull through , wanna know another secret ?" He weakly smiled "yah ?" He rolled up the sleeves of his shirt to his elbow "this ones for my dad" he pointed to a scar exactly in the middle of his arm "I used to cut too michael , I know how it feels like, never being able to stop , feeling nothing or numb when you haven't cut for a few days , but trust me it gets better" he said with a shaky voice and tears steaming down his face "hey , I'm proud of you for getting through this ash" I pulled him into a hug and he sobbed onto my shoulder "I'm sorry , it's just that I've never talked to anyone about this , I've kinda just kept it to my self"

"Well yah I keep everything to myself too , no one knows about me cutting but you so.."
"It started about a month after I came out to Luke, he kinda just left me with no one and well after he turned everyone on me , I thought I could handle it but I couldn't .. and 3 years later and I'm still at it , I was clean for 6 months tho until a few weeks ago" I just... I can't believe I just poured everything out on ashton like that , I would have never told anyone this ..ever , why is it different with ashton ? I honestly don't know but I felt like I could trust him with my life . "Hey , look I'm going to help you through this don't worry" he pulled me back into a hug and let go .

Ashton's phone buzzed in his pocket , it was a text he read it with a weird look on his face and passed me the phone .
From: Luke:- hey ash where were you at chemistry ? Did you skip ?I've got gym, math and English so I'm skipping too , meet me at The diner near the back of school ?

"Um you can leave if you want , my mom is going to be back in an hour any ways so"
"But I don't wanna leave you alone"
"It's fine ash, plus of you don't go now they'll suspect something"
"Okay promise to call&text me ?"
"Yah I promise" I gave him a small smile and he left my room waving.

I watched a movie until my mom came back from her meeting , it was about 12:00pm by now she was finishing early today because she only had that one meeting and then she was off for the day . I got bored of the movie and decided to go on to tumblr for a little .

I heard the door opening down stairs which was finally my mom "Mikey honey? school called where are you?" she called from down stairs . I closed my laptop and crawled of my covers and slowly got out of bed . I went down stairs and mom started running towards me "awwww baby let me see how bad it is , I decided to show her the bandages around my knees , I didn't want to roll up my sleeves you know ...

"Wow that was a pretty big fall , i'm booking a doctors appointment for tonight just to check up on everything , okay ?" she gave me a kiss on the forehead and went to get the house phone " and stop being so clumsy !" she giggled , seeing my mom smile was one of the few things that made me happy , and honestly her smile was just beautiful ! she wasn't just my mom , she was my best friend .


OKAY HOW'D YOU GUYS LIKE THIS CHAPTER ? Idk how to feel about this but yah . ANYY WAYY I reached 30+ reads yayyy! can we get it to 50 maybe 60 reads and 4 or 5 comments ?
xoxo byee

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