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Plot: Demir delves into Selin's past and uncovers why she is so scared of losing her loved ones.

In recent weeks, Selin had become a cesspit of negativity. Her usual whimsical aura had withered to its bare embers, leaving a shell of a human being behind. The light in her eyes had disappeared and she moved through the monotony of everyday life meaninglessly.

Demir, on the sidelines, didn't know how to help her, none of this was his forte; all he could do was stand by and watch as Ibo did everything that he could to help.

"Has anything changed?" Demir asked as Ibo came over for the twelfth-day running. He was walking him to the door whilst Selin sat in the garden, way out of ear-shot.

"Nothing." Ibo sighed heavily, feeling as helpless as Demir. It was evident that the two men hated seeing Selin in pain but Ibo had done it all: operations, tests - there was nothing left for him to do. "Sukuz is dying and unfortunately, there is nothing I can do to stop that."

"I just don't know how to help her." Demir ran a frustrated hand through his hair. He knew how deeply Selin cared for her animals (or as she liked to call them, friends) If Sukuz died, Demir wasn't sure how Selin was going to handle it. She was barely functioning properly already. There was an absentmindedness to her that would have been seriously worrying if Demir hadn't been there to help. He cooked, cleaned, kept her conversing. If the pair weren't living together, it was almost certain that Selin would have turned into a hermit. "She won't eat properly ... hell, I don't think she's sleeping at all."

Demir didn't want to delve into all  of the details with Ibo but he could feel how restless Selin was when they were in bed together. Over the past few months they'd accumulated a routine whereby Selin tucked herself into his arms before she fell asleep. Like that first night she'd come stumbling into his (technically her) bed drunk, Demir would wrap his arms around her before drifting off into a peaceful sleep. However, since learning of Sukuz's illness, Selin couldn't grant herself the comfort that she felt in Demir's arms. According to her own logic, she felt selfish for living a normal life when her baby Sukuz was in so much pain; the mere thought made her heart ache. So, instead of cuddling against her boyfriend's firm chest, she curled into herself and sobbed. Although she thought she was being quiet whilst she cried, Demir heard her. He tried to reach for her, comfort her, but she was never receptive to his touch. The woman who had once cried on his shoulder when her parents had left Istanbul was adamant that she didn't need looking after. 

"Demir," Ibo placed a comforting hand against his friend's shoulder. "Despite everything, I'm glad she's got you ... that you're here to look out for her." 

"I'm just worried for her." Demir had always been a go-getter and it was difficult knowing that there was nothing he could do to help ease Selin's pain.

"I know, I am too ... I think Sukuz will be the first loved one that Selin has lost since Kerem-" Before Ibo could reveal anything else, it seemed like a light bulb had gone off over his head and he froze. His voice trailed off, igniting Demir's curiosity all the more.

"Kerem?" Despite wholeheartedly trusting Selin and the foundation of their relationship, there was a part of Demir that was always going to be red-blooded and jealous so, the mention of another man had him on edge instantly. Even after months of being together - officially together - the likes of Alara and Burak were still trying their hardest to break them up and as a thick-and-through Turkish man, Demir couldn't and wouldn't stand for it. He was prepared to fight off everyone if it meant keeping Selin by his side.   

"Look, I've said too much already." Ibo rubbed a hand over his forehead in guilt - Kerem was Selin's secret to tell and he knew she'd confide in Demir eventually. "She'll tell you when she's ready." 

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