Him and Her

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Dearest, I love you so deeply

Everything draws me closer

Vexing me, magic

I myself lost in your eyes

Never let me go

Wishing Everyday to be held by you

A dream is a wish your heart makes

You are every dream fulfilled

Nothing compares to you dazzling me

Even after all this time

We have a bond no one can break

Yes, we'll in this deep love forever

So happy together, you always say

Eve was made from Adam's rib, As I am from yours.

Celestial choirs sing, I see your heart

And I know that sounds too romantic

Really though - your heart exposed

Love, true pure love

Even Paul and Linda would be jealous

Every little thing is beautiful with you

Racing, my heart's beating so fast

Eventually It'll bust ipen

Nevertheless, you'll piece me together

Evidentally, It's your felt obligation

Even though you've helped me greatly

We have a bond no one can break

Yes, we'll in this deep love forever

So happy together, you always say

Eve was made from Adam's rib, As I am from yours

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