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Sean's pov

First Day of school. I'm officially a junior now. Fuck, wish that vacations could last forever.


I met Lyla in front of my house and we walked to Our hell on earth together. Both of us complaining about everything attached to that, all the way to school.

When i entered the building, I sighed heavily. I hate This place from a bottom of my heart. I mean yeah i have my squad here, there are some funny situations, but there are Also many assholes and so much work.

High school, Here we fucking go again. Glad it's closer to graduation at least.


Me and Lyla has lockers in a different hall so we had to split up for that moment.

When i reached my locker, I opened it and looked at what is inside closely- haven't Seen it for a long Time. Nothing change tough, same shit.

I grabbed some necessary books and was about to head out for my class, but...

There was a boy that... Really caught my attention. I've never seen him before, I would definitely remember. He must be New. He looked a Little bit older than me.

He had pretty short, Brown dreadlocks. In them, there were many clips and other shit like that. There was a really showing off scar on his nose. Speaking of the nose - he had a septum piercing in it and plugs in his ears. Under his eye there were three triangles and a Line from the bottom of his lips to his jaw. It looked like tattoos.

He looked...different than others. In a good Way. There was only a one person in This school who looked pretty similar.

Cassidy - she's a senior now. She Also has dreadlocks. They are pink. She's got some tattoos aswell, on her Arms. She always seems to be so proud of them.

I Wonder if they are friends...

"I won't sell you weed, out of stock." he smirked as he was reparing his bracelet

Fuck I've must been staring for too long. Now he either thinks I'm a creep or that I threat him with disgust.

"N-no, no! That's... Not w-what I mea- S-sorry. I'll go" I started to Walk very fast. Not really caring in which direction i should go, as far as it is gonna Save me from embarrassment.

"Wait!" he put his hand on my shoulder and turned me around so I was facing him "I didn't mean to scare you sorry for that."

"I-It's fine. Um... sorry for staring" I looked at the floor

"I got kinda used to it, no worries. You know how it is, people make unpleasant situations sometimes. You can avoid it by making a joke"

"Yeah I get it"

There was a few seconds of awkward silence, but he saved it.

"I'm Finn by the Way"

"Sean. Are you New here?"


"So... You enjoying so far?"

"I mean, yeah it's pretty okay"

Oh my God. What kind of question is it to ask. Ughhh I hate being shy and awkward as fuck.

The boy was about to Say something again, but Suddenly a nice voice popped from behind me.

"I hope you aren't already getting yourself in troubles" The pink haired girl said as she got next to the boy

"Nah, not yet." He answered

Bad Influence [Sean x Finn, life is strange 2]Where stories live. Discover now