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Missing my family didn't last long. Of course I was happy to See my Brothers again, but the feeling died when I got a first dirty look in a garage.

I know I've been gone for a week, so Luke had to work for two and I understand he might be angry, but he acts like Ive never did the same for him.

I can't even count how many Times I had to work alone because he had a date or something.

So my work days were long, hard and full of tension between me and my Brother.

We were waiting for Ayden to come with another car to strip. Silence upon us.

I didn't really care at this point if his angry or not. It didn't matter.

I pulled out my New Phone I've got from Sean for christmas. Im still kinda learning its mechanics. Having only low-tech your whole life really shows now.

Seeing a Text from my lover made me smile.


I got messages like that a lot. Totally random. I don't complain though.

'Me too sweetie <3
What u doin?'

'Watching Lord of rings with my familia for the millionth Time. U?'

'Working with my douchebag bro
Imma go nuts soon'

'Wanna go out tmrw?'

'Shit u finally decided 2 take me on a date???'

I saw him writing, but it seemed like he was deleting it over and over again. Like he wasn't sure how to response.

'Im Just messin with ya. Better later than never right?
Where Do u want to meet? What's the plans?'


'Ah I see u wanna-

I couldn't finish writing my message. Out of sudden a voice called me out of texting.

"Did you stole it?" my Brother asked


"The Phone. Did you stole it?" he repeated himself

"Er... No?"

"Where did you get the money from then?"

"Oh, so now you wanna talk?" I smirked and shrugged it off, ready to get back to texting with Sean

"You've been gone for a week and you come back with a New Phone. What did you do?"

"I don't have to explain myself Man"

Josh still remains the only one from my family who knows about my relationship. And nobody else besides him needs to know. None of them even cared to Phone me when I was 'God knows where'.

He shook his head
"I see"

Luckily a sound of honking saved me from any more questions. Ayden Just arrived with the car.

Sometimes I don't realize how 'professional' he is at it. Nowadays every valuable car has an alarm. And he can avoid it all smoothly.

We opened the garage gate for him to drive in. He Parked it and get out of a Silver, not too big car.

"There is a lot of stuff inside, so check it out if you want to"

Scary, but This sentence always makes us excited. It's like free candies. And curiosity of what people can have with them.

Bad Influence [Sean x Finn, life is strange 2]Where stories live. Discover now