Chapter 14

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Not so fun fact, I went to the doctor yesterday, and I found out that I'm actually 5'1. :(


Hannah touched my shoulder and smiled. "Kevin doesn't have any children of his own. When we got married, we tried everything, but then we found out that.." she paused and looked over at Kevin asking for permission. When he nodded, she continued, "Kevin had a nonmalignant tumour that caused him to be infertile." she looked at me a little sad, "Uvaldo is the closest thing he has to a child, and now you're in Vally's life, you're in our lives as well. We've always wanted a daughter. So if you'd let us, we'd be great parents."

I smiled at her. I always wanted to know what it feels like to have two parents who loved each other. I've always wanted a family. I nod then wipe the stray tears.

Hannah saw immediately and pulled me in a hug, "Don't cry, dear." She held me for a minute then releases me.

"I've never really had a family. Only my mother." I inhaled and looked at them, "I'd love to be your daughter."

Kevin clapped his hands and laughed. "Great. I hope you like Paella."

"I've never actually had Paella before, but I've seen pictures on Pinterest." My mother and I could barely afford regular food, and so we didn't go out much or cooked fancy Spanish dishes.

"Oh well, I have no idea what Pinterest is but you're going to love what I've prepared for tonight." he looked around at everyone, "You guys should have a seat, especially you missy, shouldn't be standing on your feet at all. How far along are you?"

"Thirty-two weeks," I answered.

Valdo moved over closer to the table and pulled a seat. "See, Uvaldo agrees with me. Have a seat." I walked over to seat that Valdo pulled out and sat. Kevin smiled with approval, then looked at his wife. "You should rest your beautiful legs too. You've been standing all day."

"I haven't been standing all day." She pulled out a chair nonetheless and sat.

"Hmm..." he said, not convinced. He looked at Valdo, "You should sit too."

Valdo pointed down the hall, "Don't you want any help moving the things from the kitchen."

Kevin shook his head, "No, I'm good. You sit down and keep these lovely ladies company." Kevin took the mitten from the dining table then walked out of the room, heading to the kitchen. Hannah's eyes followed him until he disappeared. It was obvious that they were crazy in love with each other.

"How did you meet Kevin?"

Hannah laughed. "Well, that's what you call a story." I raised my eyebrows at her. What did she mean exactly? Instead of asking, I waited for her to tell me. "Vally had just graduated from college, and he was fortunate to get a job. I was so happy for him. He was such a smart child." She reached over the table and pinched his cheeks, he responded by smiling sweetly at her. "Anyways, he was working and was getting some good money, but I could tell he was unhappy with his job. A few weeks later, he came home crying."

She lifted her hands and placed it over her heart. "My baby crying. Now that was a shocker because Uvaldo is a strong man, always has been. Always want to fight my battles for me, and so when he came home in tears, I was curious to know what happened. He wouldn't tell me. I tried to force it out of him, but he wouldn't succumb. I thought it was girlfriend problems at first, but then I would have known if he had a girlfriend, after all, I was still washing his clothes. Then I conclude it must be something at work, so I took a day off work and went to his workplace. That's when I saw it."

She paused and looked at her husband, who was returning with a jug in his hands.

There no way she could leave me with a cliffhanger like that so asked, "What did you see?"

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