Chapter 41

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I moaned in delight, "This is so good." I whispered and took another bite of my lobster's tail. Valdo was watching me eat with a smile on his face, but I didn't care. This was the most delicious thing I've ever eaten in my life, and the buttery sauce just made it even better.

Valdo lifted his hands in the air and started air writing. I frowned at him. "What are you doing?" I asked with my mouth full.

"Making a mental note of what you like to eat so when you get angry at me, I know what to buy to make you happy again." I smiled, then continued chewing. I don't think I could ever be angry with him. He was too much of a sweetheart, but his gesture was sweet.

When my mouth was cleared, I spoke up, "I'll never get angry at you."

He chuckled, "Oh, you will. Even the happiest of couples have their problems; we're no different."

"Kevin and Hannah seem okay." They were completely in love with each other, and they have never looked miserable whenever I'm around them.

Valdo laughed, "They love each other very much. He's still a ruthless businessman, and she has an independent soul, sometimes they don't agree on things, well most times actually. They don't fight over it, but you can also sense the tension between them."

I shrugged. I've never noticed tension around them before, but I was just getting to know them, and Valdo has known then for years. "Well, I guess it's normal for couples to have disagreements. We haven't had our first one yet."

"Hopefully we never have to argue about who gets to drive or who gets the bigger slice of a cake."

"I can't drive so you'll always be the one driving, and you have diabetes, so I'll always get the bigger slice of the cake," I answered with a grin.

"Now that we've got that cleared. There are still so many things I don't know about you, my dear wife."

"What do you want to know?"

He shrugged, "I don't know. Everything."

I smiled. No one ever cared enough about me to want to know everything. I wasn't even that exciting anyway, but Valdo wanted to know, I'd tell him. "We can start with a few questions."

"Okay, Would you rather eat Asain cuisine or French cuisine?" He asked as he used his fork to play around his plate, his eyes on me.

"Asain. Definitely Asian minus the sushi." I've only had French cuisine once, but it was no comparison to the Chinese Fried Rice. "You?"

"Asian. I love Lo Mien, especially when there is a combination of different meats in it."

"I've never had Lo Mien before." My mother used to buy Chinese food every Friday; she'd buy the fried rice for me and Lo Mien for herself. I hated seeing the dark sauced noodles, they reminded me of worms, and so I was never brave enough to eat it.

"When we get back to New York City, I'm going to bring you to a little restaurant in China Town, and it's going to take your breath away, literally."

I smiled, "I can't wait." I looked over at his plate, and his dish still had plenty of food left in it. "We should continue eating before the food gets cold."

I looked down at his plate, "Great idea. We can continue this conversation while we wait for dessert."

I rubbed my hands together in excitement. "I can't wait to see the dessert menu."

He smiled, "You can order as much dessert as you want. You deserve it after last night's performance.

I blushed and looked down at my plate.

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