Chapter 1

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Authors note: yo, so my name is megan and i've decided to write a fanfic,  I never really read authors notes because they aren't as interesting as the fanfic itself but they are fun to write so I'm writing one lol cackle cackle, im so cool cackling to myself #swaggie. hope you guys enjoy, vote/ comment etc make my day x0x


Lily's Pov (Point of view)

I groggily awoke to the sound of my stupid alarm practically screaming at me to get up. But I didn't want to get up for school, school was never the same since he left, there was nothing to look forward to anymore, I missed him so much... Luckily I only had a mere half a year left of school to endure. With that thought I used the little energy I had and managed to haul myself out of bed and to the bathroom for a warm shower.

While I was changing I heard mum yelling at me to hurry up and get my arse downstairs or I was going to be late. This didn't phase me whatsoever and I carried on at my snail pace continuing to pull on my black leather skinny jeans which I decided to wear with my cream chiffon top and red vans. Before leaving I glanced at the full length mirror analyzing myself. My blonde hair fell in soft waves to about 2/3 of the way down my torso and my bright blue eyes complimented my outfit just fine. I don't see myself pretty but I didn't look too bad today. Satisfied, I headed downstairs.        

"Finally, could you have taken any longer?" mum growled as I strolled into the kitchen.

"Probably" I simply stated the truth. 

"That was a rhetorical question" she mumbled.

I didn't reply, instead I picked up a piece of toast I assumed was for me and began munching away. 

"So what's on the agenda for today" mum asked in attempt to brighten the dull morning mood. 

"Meh" I replied killing her attempt. I'm not usually this mean I just dont like the mornings. With that I grabbed my lunch, my navy backpack and said goodbye to my parents before waltzing out the door.

I wandered down the all too familiar streets and I couldnt help but think of him, we always used to walk to school together but that changed after he left.

I was lost in thought when all of a sudden my thoughts were interupted by the deafening sound of squealing brakes, I looked up to see a car headed straight for me. My eyes quickly flicked to the drivers seat and I managed to catch a glimpse of a faintly familiar curly head boy before the excrutiating pain pierced my leg and I collasped.

Harrys Pov

"Yes Lou I'm on my way" I said before hanging up. I was looking forward to a night with the boys, we were going to Nialls to celebrate the end of our Up All Night Tour and i'm sure it was going to be a great party. I was thinking about tonight when a pretty blonde girl stepped out straight infront of me. I slammed on the brakes as hard as I could but it wasn't enough.

As she went down her frightened blue eyes peered into mine and a wave of recognition passed over her face.

I scrambled out of my car and rushed over to her. The sight scared me, I don't ever think I've seen so much blood. Her upper right thigh was spurting blood, and when I say spurting I mean it, it literally looked like a red fountain. I took off my top and wrapped it around her leg attempting to stop the constant stream of spouting blood.

I picked up her limp body and she yelped in pain. At least she is still alive I thought as I carried her to my car, I called an ambulance and told them to go to Nialls address seeing as I was only 100 meters from his house. I drove to Nialls in a panicked state praying that she would live. 

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