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I looked into his deep green eyes, almost being left in a trance. Quickly snapping out of it, I watch him sit up in his uncomfortable looking bed. He leans his back against the wall.

"So, Evelyn." He starts, a smirk evident across his face. I can already tell something sarcastic was about to leave his mouth. "You really think you could help me out?"

I stare at him in slight disbelief. I was not expecting that to leave his mouth. My mouth was parted slightly, not really sure how I wanted to respond to his question.

He chuckled at my lack of response. "You know, that gave me so much confidence." He sighs.

I mentally smack myself in the face. "I'm sorry. I just wasn't expecting you to ask me that." I say honestly.

"I'm not as bad as people make me out to be." He says frowning looking down at his hands. "Really, people don't know me."

"Well, Harry. If you let me, I'd like to try to get to know you." I say and mean it. I find this man extremely intriguing and I'd love to know more about him.

He looks up at me with a straight face, one that I can't really read. He stares at me before looking back down at his fingers, playing with his rings he refuses to take off.

"To be honest, I don't think you'd want to know the real me." He says deeply, putting emphasis on the word. I furrow my brows when he finishes.

"Why would you think that?"

"Just trust me when I say that, okay?" He sighs for what seems like the tenth time in the past twenty minutes.

I huff, slightly annoyed that he refused to open up but I guess I should've expected that knowing who I'm dealing with.

"Why don't you tell me a little about yourself? Maybe it'll help me open up a bit." He says shifting in his spot a bit.

"Um okay, what do you want to know?" I ask, setting my folders down.

"I don't know, where are you from? I noticed you don't have an English accent." He states, using his fingers to play with his bottom lip.

"I'm from Florida, but when I was about 15 my fathers office was transferred up here to London so we had to move. I wasn't happy about it at first but now I don't mind it." I reply, remember the day as if it were yesterday.

"How come you never went back?" He sits up straight, his eyes never leaving mine.

"I'm not sure. I just haven't. Plus, I don't really have the money to move back by myself." I sigh.

I really do wish I could go back home, but honestly I don't see the point anymore. I'm twenty two now and I know London like the back of my hands. I don't really have money issues, but moving all the way back to America would cause a huge dip in my bank account and I don't want to have to stress about it. Not right now at least.

"Do your parents still live here?" He murmurs lowly.

"My dad does, my parents divorced and my mom went back to America after it was finalized." I start. "I haven't seen her since I was eighteen." I reply sadly, looking down at hands. I look back up at the curious man sitting in front of me, watching how his facial features change as he thinks about the things I've said.

"Enough about me, though." I smile up at him trying to ease the slight tension that was starting to build.

"How about you tell me a little about yourself, help me get to know you better." I say, shifting in my seat to get comfortable. "I promise you, I'm not here to judge Harry. I want you to feel comfortable enough to open up to me when you need to." I say reaching over and resting my hand on his. He flinched slightly at the sudden touch but then relaxes. I pull my hand back and rest it in my lap waiting for him to respond.

He looks up at me, an unsure expression is painted on his face. "I don't know." He says, stuttering lightly.

"It's okay, Harry." I smile at him. "There's no pressure."

He sighs loudly and looks back down at his hands. "What do you want to know?"

"Let's just start small, like what I did. Where are you from?" I ask, I know have these answers in his file, but I'd rather hear it from him.

"I'm from Holmes Chapel. It's a bit far from here. I moved here with my mum for a while before I got my own place. She eventually moved back to Holmes Chapel after I moved out. She's been living with me for a little now ever since my... issues began." He clears his throat at the thought. I furrow my eyebrows, I'm truly intrigued by this man and he hasn't even really told me anything yet.

"Issues?" I question.

"Yeah. I know you already know. I'm pretty sure they gave you my paperwork." He rolls his eyes while speaking sarcastically.

"But yes, I'm schizophrenic. At least that's what I'm told. I refuse to believe it though. I feel fine. I always feels fine. They always tell me about these things I supposedly do but I never do any of the things they say. It's like they're lying straight to my face." He says, growing slightly agitated.

"How come you think they're lying?" I ask.

"Because..." He starts but doesn't finish. He goes silent and I don't bother to ask another question. His breathing has seemed to increase and I can already tell his patience level is extremely low.

I lift my wrist to check the time on my watch.

"Well Harry that's enough for today," I say standing on my feet. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" I turn my back and begin to walk towards the door as I leave the room, I can hear him quietly speak. "Goodbye, Evelyn."

It sends shivers down my spine as I continue my walk to the employee lounge. I see Maddie on her phone waiting for me like she does every time we are scheduled to work together.

"Hey Maddie." I say catching her attention.

"Hey! How'd it go?" She asked, raising her brow.

"It went pretty well. He's a really interesting person though. There's just something about him that I can't place, but then again I've only just met him."

"Just remember what I said, don't let him play you." She says giving me a serious look.

"I know." I sigh, following her out of the institution.


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