Week Two Days Five & Six

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"A poisoning! Seriously! Is that really what that doctor is saying? That's what did them in? What bullsh–"
"Language," I say calmly, "I don't buy it either. Didn't she say that Delilah died from an aneurysm? Now she changes her mind and says that it was really a poisoning? That isn't suspicious at all," I say with a scoff.
   I push my string beans into my mash potatoes and gravy idly, "Want the rest? I lost my appetite. Who knew talking about how dead people died over dinner was a bad idea."
   "You could've fooled me," She mutters while picking up the plate and eating it from her lap.
   This is my life now. I've been trapped in this house for twelve days. Everything has become almost mundane. It's as if we've given up on finding the killer and mutually agreed to all live in this mansion together. The only thing I'm waiting for is the door to open so I can go to my exam on Saturday.
   It's Thursday and we're nowhere near to finding the killer. If I've been studying for no reason–
   "Earth to Hope!"
   A hand flashes in my vision. I flinch slightly. My eyes are out of focus, making everything look fuzzy. I blink a few times. The empty well-furnished dining room comes into view.
   It's late in the night and everyone had gone to bed. I look up at the figure in front of me. She's sitting on the dining table despite my word. How stubborn.
   "What do want?"
"I'm done. What do you want to do now?" Her legs sway back and forth off the table as she licks her fingers clean.
Did she eat with her hands? You know what? I don't wanna know.
"We could go to bed."
"I don't sleep with people who turn me down the first time around."
I roll my eyes, "That's not what I meant."
"I know. I'm just being cheeky."
   "At least you're self-aware."
   She smiles softly, "So, you still haven't decided. What are we doing now?"
   I lean on my fist and hum. What to do. What to do. Well, I got nothing. At least I tried. I shrug halfheartedly.
"You decide, hotshot."
"We could...y'know," She looks down the hallway, "Bury the bodies."
My eyebrows jump up.
Well, this is not how I thought my night was gonna go.
"Getting rid of the evidence, eh?" I lean forward on the table, "You do know that will piss Doc off."
   "So? She's been examining Delilah for twelve days. I think she's stolen enough organs off of him."
   "You think she's harvesting organs?"
   She shrugs slightly, "Who knows? She doesn't allow anyone to be anywhere near the bodies. Isn't that a little suspicious to you? What does she have to hide?"
   I scoff, "It's a dead body! Who in their right mind would want to see that?"
   "Oh, I don't know. Me!"
    I lean away from the table, "Weirdo."
"So, we going to check out the body, or not?"
I shrug, "We all die anyways. We'll be looking at our future selfs."
"You think we'll get murdered?"
"The stats don't lie."
"What stats?"
"There is a really high crime rate. More murders now in days."
"How do you know that?"
"Just do. Don't question it."
She stares at me blankly. She quirks her eyebrows at me. A vast majority of the population has the ability to move one eyebrow at times. It could be the littlest thing and yet, you are outlining data. When I just study her face instead of responding, she sighs.
"Let's go find a body or two," She jumps off the table right when I get up and her dipped red hair slaps my face.
"Control your ponytail, Morose," I shove her shoulder as she sticks her tongue out at me. She's such a child. How is she older than me?

"You have no idea where to go, do you?"
   She scoffs, "Don't act like you do."
   "Two words," She nods her head sarcastically along, "Delilah's office," I raise my fingers one-by-one obnoxiously.
   She blinks a few times.
   "Julia.exe has malfunctioned," I can't help but say with a smirk.
   "So you do know what a joke is."
   "You say that and yet..."
   "How long are you going to hold that over my head," She looks down at the floor and shakes her head.
   "I'll think about it."
"You're so cruel!" She cries.
Really? I think I've been too nice to you. Even when you crushed on me, I still hung out with you. Can't be showing favouritism. That shows a weak point. A flaw in a perfect plan.
"Care to do the honours?" I gesture and the tall mahogany door that we just arrived at.
She hesitates before reaching out towards the doorknob. Losing your nerve, eh? Her hand skimpy curls around it. Just open it already! She slowly turns with much patience.
Unlike me.
"You aren't the idiotic main character in a horror movie!"
I kick the door open. No way I'm touching that doorknob.
   "Hey, I going to dramatically open it! Way to steal my thunder."
  "You can open it dramatically without being a snail."
   "Oh, right. You're all about efficiency."
I roll my eyes.
She is really annoying.
I drag my eyes inside the room.
"Que le baiser!"

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