XVI- teaming up

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(Y/n) waited for Danny's return. Rio was working on some music at the computer lab, Ollie was at play rehearsal and Cass was at band practice. (Y/n) slightly regretted staying in that day as she found herself getting progressively more bored, there were only so many dance videos she could watch.

Cass and Ollie weren't actually at the locations they'd told their friends, beyond the others's knowledge they were getting it on in a motel room.

Back to (Y/n), she lay across the sofa. She had just had an hour long nap and couldn't seem to will herself back to sleep. She picked her phone back up and began scrolling through old photos, most of them were of her and her dad. Any photos taken with Alice had been deleted long ago. Suddenly (Y/n) lingered on one photo: it was of her and her ex boyfriend, Ethan.

They met at a performing arts camp in the summer, he was aspiring to be a singer. Memories floated through her head of the sweet songs he would sing to her under the moonlight when the other camp members and councillors were asleep. She taught him ballroom dancing, that whole summer felt like bliss. It pained (Y/n) to think that he still hated her, or maybe he was over it, either way he certainly hated her at the time of their break up. That reminded her not to get too close with Danny, or give him the wrong idea. It would just... go wrong, like it always did.

She wondered where Ethan was now, she didn't hold any feelings for him... she didn't think so at least, but mostly out of curiosity she wanted to know what he was up to. (Y/n)'s phone then pinged and the photograph was replaced with a message from Danny:

Danny: On the bus back to campus, will be fifteen mins max. Rio said he'll be in our dorm in like twenty idk, I'll just knock on your door when I'm back and we can go to my dorm together xx

Danny knew he was really trying his luck with an 'xx' and hoped he didn't scare (Y/n) too much.

(Y/n): Alright, see you in fifteen minutes then. Looking forward to this award winning ramen xx

(Y/n) was slightly confused by the kisses he'd put at the end of the message but followed suit for politeness's sake. She shouldn't read too much into it, she saw Cass putting kisses at the end of a message to Ollie and they were just friends.

Surely enough, fifteen minutes had passed and there was a soft knock. (Y/n) left up from her position, delighted to be doing something.

"I thought you said Rio was out?" (Y/n) was befuddled by the presence of Rio.

Rio shot Danny a look of irritation, he'd been in the dorm for half an hour. (Y/n) was sitting bored just a staircase away this whole time, but Danny had lied to keep them apart.

"Oh, man. I thought you were mixing that song with the singing student. Sorry, guys." Danny remarked, innocently strolling to the kitchen. Rio's death stare followed Danny's trail.

(Y/n) sat down on their couch, even though she had just been sitting in one all day, it was nice to be in a different one. Rio sat himself in an armchair next to the couch.

"What happened to your hand?" Rio pointed to the scabs on her knuckles. He was aware that Danny knew what had happened, Rio was used to having knowledge of everything going on in (Y/n)'s life but oddly enough, now that she was friends with him he seemed to know less than ever.

"Oh, I punched this drunk guy in my modern class because he was getting... touchy, we're both fine though. He's been very apologetic." (Y/n) surmised. Rio took in the information he given... what did 'touchy' even mean?

"Do they hurt?"

"Not really, they're a bit sensitive when I touch them. But I'll be alright for the showcase, are you going to watch it? I know that Ollie and Cass are going." (Y/n) stared at Rio with wide expectant eyes. Of course, he was going to the showcase, since they were fourteen he'd been to every dance performance of hers that he could get into. Rio wasn't planning on stopping now that she was asking him to attend.

dancing through the fire ((yandere x reader))Where stories live. Discover now