XVII- forgiven

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(Y/n) lay in awake in bed. She felt guilty about leaving Rio and Danny earlier, Danny is allowed to be friends with her friends, he probably didn't want her to see Carlisle. That was it. It had to be. She planned to send an apology to him in the morning.

Within ten minutes (Y/n) sunk into a sleep...

"Alright, kiddo, have fun. I'll pick you up on Monday." Tommy gave (Y/n) a quick squeeze. "Alice, text me if there are any problems."

"Got it," Alice took (Y/n)'s bag and placed it on the tatted carpet in the hall of her rundown bungalow. "C'mere, baby" She bent down and hugged her daughter tightly.

"Bye, dad." (Y/n) reluctantly let her father leave. Tommy offered her a small wave before his departure.

"I hate to tell you this, baby, but mommy's got to work all weekend. I got mixed up with my dates but these men are going to give mommy a lot of money for her services." (Y/n) swore that sometimes Alice genuinely forgot she was twelve and not three. "But it's okay because, um, come downstairs, sweetie!"

An older man walked down the stairs. He had kind caramel eyes and curly dark brown hair. He smiled sweetly at Alice and (Y/n). "You must be (Y/n)." He spoke with a low southern drawl.

"Baby, this is my boyfriend, Jonah. He's going to be looking after you instead of mommy. But don't worry, he's really nice and maybe one day he'll be like a second daddy." This wasn't the first 'second daddy' (Y/n) had been introduced to, but it was the first time a complete stranger would be taking care of her for an entire weekend.

(Y/n) didn't like the smile that Jonah was giving her, she wanted to just go home, go back to dad. "Right, I need to go." Alice placed a sloppy kiss on Jonah's lips and one on (Y/n)'s cheek. "Have fun, you two." With nothing but a small handbag, Alice left her house.

(Y/n) was at the age when she'd figured out that her mother was a prostitute and dreaded to think what Alice would be doing all weekend.

Jonah walked up to the door and double locked it. "Oh, Jonah, we don't normally double lock if there are people in the house because it's a bit of a hassle if someone knocks on the door and then y-"

Jonah placed his calloused hands harshly down on (Y/n)'s shoulders, making her halt her speech. "Look, I don't care if you scream, cry, kick, or whatever but I'm just gonna do what I need to and I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to take it."


"It'll be over before your mom gets back..."

(Y/n) shot up. Sweat and tears trailed down her face. The alarm clock showed it was three in the morning, she couldn't call her dad at this ungodly hour. She shakily got out of bed, her legs wobbled beneath her as she went to the bathroom. (Y/n) feared they would give out.

She rooted through the cupboard, not for her pills but for something that would provide a more instant relief. She felt the bottle in her hand and knew her cigarettes would be nearby but they were nowhere to be found. 'What the hell?! I had a full pack! Where have they gone? Did Cass find them?'

Without taking a second to reconsider, (Y/n) threw a coat and scarf over her pyjamas. She grabbed her purse and put on some shoes, this woman was going to smoke a cigarette no matter what. Just the thought of it and she felt herself shaking less.

(Y/n) marched across campus, walking to a nearby convenience store. When she saw the lit up sign, her aching legs carried her there, relieved to be near the end of their journey. She walked straight to the till, finding herself unable to speak she just gestured towards the cigarettes she wanted and slammed a lighter onto the counter.

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