XXI- don't be bitter

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a/n: Hello! This is my first author's note (not including the introduction.) and I hopefully won't make too many of these as I know they can be boring to read and you'd rather I just get on with the story. I just want to say thank you to everyone who reads this story, every single read makes me happy as I know that people are actually reading what I'm writing. So thank you! I really hope you're enjoying it!

I don't actually have a lot to say other than that and just to let you know about the future of dancing through the fire- if all goes to plan there should be sixty chapters (not including intro) and five endings.

This may just be wishful thinking on my part but that's the plan. 

Enjoy the chapter!

-LT. May

(Y/n) watched Ollie and Cass intently. How could they pretend not to be together? It completely baffled her how they could hide that sort of intimacy.

The five friends were playing Mario Kart on the Friday evening. The showcase was tomorrow and Ollie suggested they all played to settle Danny and (Y/n)'s nerves. It was (Y/n)'s turn to sit out since there were only four controllers and she couldn't stop watching the secret couple, completely ignoring the game.

"Blue shell! Fuck!" Danny exclaimed. (Y/n) still wasn't really speaking to him, she would when he apologised sincerely but he was yet to do so. "Cass, I'll get you for that!"

"I'd like to see you try!" Cass laughed triumphantly. "How does second place feel?" Cass zoomed into first place, overtaking Danny's character.

(Y/n) felt overwhelmed. Was she being too harsh? She had forgiven Carlisle, and he fucked her over twice... but then again, he actually seemed sorry. Whenever Danny apologised it still seemed like he thought himself as being in the right.

"Woohoo! Take that, Danny!" Cass jumped off of the couch in victory, she completed the race in first place.

"I was winning the whole time..." Danny uttered.

Ollie and Rio finished soon after. "Ok, (Y/n), you can take my remote for the next round." Ollie said, offering his device. (Y/n) was about to accept but she caught a glance of the clock.

"Oh damn, I've got to go get ready for dance practice. Sorry, guys." She got up and gave her friends an apologetic look. "I'll see you tomorrow though."

"Dance practice?" Danny turned away from the game. "But it's eight thirty. Why are you rehearsing now?"

"Her and Lawrence meet at nine every Friday to rehearse and then they go to some shitty twenty four hour diner." Cass explained, recalling all the times (Y/n) had arrived back at the dorm at past midnight. "Isn't that right, (Y/n)?"

"It's not shitty..." (Y/n) mumbled.

"So, it's like a date." Danny huffed with an irritated expression. Both of those Verilys were approaching their last straw with him.

"Oooooh, drama!" Ollie was suddenly invested.

(Y/n) groaned. "It's not a date, Danny."

"It totally is!" Cass interrupted.


"What? What is it then?"

"It's-" (Y/n) sighed. "It's two friends hanging out. That's it."

"I'm not convinced." Rio added himself to the conversation.

"This is getting juicy!" Ollie was now on the edge of his seat.

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