XIII- home sweet home

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The following day, a notice was sent out to students to attend a short assembly in the morning. Just as Cass and (Y/n) were getting their things together to go, there was a knock at the door. (Y/n) scurried to open it with just one shoe on.

"Hey, Do you guys wanna hit up the assembly together?" Ollie stood in the doorway with Rio and Danny either side of him. Rio seemed to be aggressively texting someone on his phone, letting out grunts of annoyance here and there. Danny didn't dare look at (Y/n).

"Uh, sure, one seco-"

"Who is it?!" Cass yelled from her room. (Y/n) winced at the change in volume.

"It's Ollie and... the others." (Y/n) called back, placing her shoe on properly.

Soon enough, Cass was ready and the group of friends headed off to the campus's assembly hall. Cass and Ollie were chatting the entire way there about some TV show they watch, (Y/n) found herself unable to join in their conversation since she hadn't seen it. (Y/n) tried to start conversation with Rio, but he quickly dismissed her, saying he was in the middle of 'something important' as he texted. (Y/n) sucked in a deep breath and decided to finally talk to Danny, she wasn't on her pills still so this was a risk on her part.

"Hi, Danny!" She tried to remain positive, keeping an amicable air between the two of them. Danny gave her a small 'hi', not really paying her any regard.

"Look, we said we'd stay friends but... you hardly even look at me these days. So, where are we at?" (Y/n) let her feelings come out, no use hiding them with pointless small talk, just get to the point.

Danny was startled by her question, he didn't know the answer. He was hoping to figure out his next plan of action once all this grief left him. He didn't even comprehended that maybe she missed him too. "I'm sorry, I've been a bit upset about this whole thing. I've been... unfair to you, I don't know why I told you I thought I could be friends with you at the time because... I clearly couldn't. But I think I'm ready now."

(Y/n) smiled brightly and Danny felt his anxieties melt away. "Great! Now, tell me all about your solo," For the rest of the walk to the assembly hall Danny and (Y/n) discussed the respective dances, the choreography, the music, funny slip ups they'd made. (Y/n) truly felt at peace with her decision to not take it further with him.

"Alright, students-" Warren Verily was on the stage again, his hair was blonde and thinning terribly but Lawrence had his dark eyes. This time he called all of the school's pupils, instead of just the freshman so the hall was packed. "I'm sorry to announce that I am going on a year long meditation retreat to Fiji. This is for personal reasons, for the following year my post will be taken over by your deputy Mrs Marshal,"

Mr Verily continued speaking but Lawrence could no longer hear, 'he's going on a... meditation retreat?? Why!?' Lawrence had to confront his father the second the assembly finished, and that's just what he did. Lawrence managed to catch just as Warren was getting into his car, with the assistance of his driver who held open the back door.

"Sir! Sir!" Lawrence shouted, running up to Warren's car.

"Ah, Lawrence, I was about to call you. Get in." Warren smiled at his son, but Lawrence knew his father and wasn't going to give in to a false sense of security.

"Why are you-"

"You're coming back to the mansion, to live there." Warren stated as the car was started. Lawrence couldn't believe his ears. Sure, he kicked up a fuss when he was first sent to live in the dorms but now it was to his advantage. He couldn't walk (Y/n) home from the diner if he lived in the other direction, well, he would happily walk double the distance but questions would arise when their friendship got to the point of her visiting his home. Lawrence had also planned to advance their relationship by walking her to and from regular rehearsals, but these hopes were diminishing quickly.

"But... why?" Lawrence asked sadly, he knew better than to outright go against his father but if he questioned his motives, Lawrence may find a way to convince him.

"You were only ever going to spend the first few weeks in the dorms, my father did the same to me and I'm a better headmaster because of it." Warren explained, lighting up a cigarette. "Tim, here, will drive you to anywhere you need to be." Lawrence shook his head in disbelief, Mr Verily continued: "I'm sure you're wondering why I'm leaving tomorrow. There's this place in Fiji where you can go and they say... they say you can see your dead loved ones there."

"Sir, you'll just doing magic mushrooms and other hallucinogens for a whole year," Lawrence timidly injected. Warren's face turned sharply and Lawrence knew he'd made a mistake. The older man grabbed his sons hand and pushed the cigarette butt into it, Lawrence had to clench his jaw to hold from yelling out in pain.

"You listen to me, boy. I'm going to see my wife, the wife who you killed. She wouldn't have even been in that- that stupid car if you hadn't thrown a tantrum at school over some stupid shit that didn't even matter. Well, guess what, Carlotta's life mattered. To me, to your brother, and to many others; you don't." Warren removed the source of Lawrence's pain and continued smoking it if nothing happened. Lawrence inspected the small circular burn on the back of his palm.

Tim helped the two Verilys out of the car and they walked into the grand house. Lawrence cringed as he saw his father's bags packed and ready by the door. "I'm leaving early tomorrow morning." Warren clarified, walking further into the mansion.

"But, will I just be living here alone?" Lawrence asked, he was given a death glare by Warren before he realised his mistake "...sir."

Warren calmed down. "Not exactly... come downstairs!" Lawrence watched as a figure appeared in the stairway, attached to it was a face he loathed, one he never wanted to see again.

"Carlisle? But- but you're supposed to be in London!" Lawrence pointed out, a smirk played at Carlisle's lips as he approached his younger brother.

"Not anymore, little bro. Those bastards expelled me, all I did was have an orgy with five other dancers on the stage of Royal Albert Hall. How was I supposed to know we'd get caught?" Carlisle hissed in annoyance.

"They also found a lot of alcohol in his system, but Carlisle's is going to work on it, right, son?"

"Right, dad." Carlisle sneered at Lawrence, he knew very well that his younger brother no longer had the privilege of calling their father 'dad'. "So now I'm going to study ballet and modern dance here."

"You can't do ballet this week, we've got a showcase on the weekend and there isn't a slot for you." Lawrence argued, watching Warren retreat upstairs.

"Oh I spoke to Miss White and I'll be performing a solo before that Danny guy." Lawrence was fuming with anger, how could this be? How could everything go Carlisle's way, all the time? "And I saw you're doing a duo with some chick called (Y/n) (L/n)... she hot?"

"No." Lawrence answered quickly. He knew that if he let slip to his brother any hint of affection towards (Y/n), Carlisle would be on her like a dog to a bone.

"She your girlfriend?"


"Do you wish she was?"


"You hesitated!" Carlisle really felt like he had bested Lawrence.

"Because I needed to comprehend the stupidity of your question." Lawrence thought of an excuse fast. Carlisle then pulled his phone out and began tapping on it. "What are you doing?"

"Looking her up to see if she's hot... whoa!" Carlisle turned his phone to Lawrence, he had gone onto image search of (Y/n)'s name and several photos of her in dance shows appeared. "What are you talking about she's smoking!"

"She's my dance partner." Lawrence mumbled.

"So was Sasha, then she became a little more, didn't she?" Carlisle teased. Lawrence wasn't that into Sasha, he thought she was pretty and could just about tolerate her, but he only agreed to go out with her so she'd stop asking.  Once Sasha was his girlfriend it took her two weeks to sleep with Carlisle. The same happened with Lilly and Wendy, it was less of Lawrence being upset about their infidelity and more a matter of pride.

"(Y/n) isn't like Sasha. She's just my friend and she wouldn't fuck you in a million years." Little did Lawrence know how much Carlisle loved a challenge.

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