Part Eight: Moonlight Grove

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The room was silent, save for a small beeping sound escaping from the computer. The pacing was silent from Sora, and Riku sighed, leaving the room to go check on the tablet again to see if there had been a new world to show up on the map. "We have to go," Donald announced, nodding to the pulsing world that'd been flashing for a good hour straight.

"Not without her," Sora countered, swiping his hand as if to completely disregard the idea. "We're not just going to leave her there without anything but her keyblade. I should have stopped her from even going down that vent, and now she's gone." Goofy frowned, shaking his head, and tugging at the collar of his sweater.

"Well, gosh, Sora... We all figured she'd be able to handle herself." Donald nodded, Riku agreeing verbally from the back of the room. "Besides, she wants to prove she's capable. We can just go and save this world, and when we get back, the scan'll be done."

"She can handle herself, but she also has a bad ankle, and almost no experience o-" Riku laughed.

"She proved herself to be able to handle herself when Maleficent's new henchman was talking to her, so don't do this, Sora. I know you care about her, and so do we. We're just a little more trusting. I think honestly, this is good for her." Riku pushed himself from the wall, crossing over to the middle of the room and sitting in his own chair, legs thrown over the armrest in a carefree fashion. "So go ahead, Donald. Set course for our next destination."

"Riku, what are you thinking? She could be hurt and alone right now, and you're expecting me to wait around for-" His friend, once more sighing, threw the half eaten apple in his hands, and hitting the boy on the side of the head, and causing him to cut off his own speech, grunting in annoyance. "Fine. Let's go."

A long groan escaped Demi's lips, eyes squinting a few moments before slowly opening. It was cold, wherever it was, and rain dripped down on her back, splashing on the leather pirate's coat she still possessed. Her hands stretched out, easing her tense muscles, before being planted on the dirty pavement. A rat scurried past her, stopping to nibble on a stray piece of bread that hadn't quite made it to a bin.

"Ma'am?" An accented voice appeared, and suddenly, a gentle hand laid on her shoulder, shaking her. "Ma'am? Are you alright?"

"Fine and dandy...." She croaked in reply, moving to push herself upwards, but being lifted up instead.

"Tis a lie! Your shoes are missing, and your head, it is bleeding! I must take you to my brother!" Carefully, Demi's hand moved to her temple, where she hadn't noticed the warm and thickness of the blood on her forehead. "He is in training to become a surgeon, you see. A simple fix, this will be! You will be safe with him!" She nodded, finally looking up to the man who was holding her. He was young, and slender, but obviously muscular,  as he had her in his arms without any issue. An older suit and tie was what he wore, and she could hear the ticking of a watch of some kind, yet he wore none on his wrists. 

"My name's Demetria." He nodded, walking out of the alley, and down a well lit street that seemed to make the rain look like glitter falling down from above. Houses lined the path, all flat-faced and identical to the rest. Their brick skins seemed almost brown against the golden light pouring from the windows, and were separated from the world by iron-picket fences.

"Your name-- it is quite odd, Miss Demetria. Forgive me, but I can only assume you are not from here. So tell me, are you lost?" Demi scoffed,  nodding slowly despite the sudden pounding against her skull, and  wrapped an arm over his shoulder. The freezing water caressing her skul made the feeling the slightest bit more tolerable, but not enough to notice.

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