Part Nine: Moonlight Grove

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A startled gasp fell from Demi's lips as she pushed herself upwards, gripping the golden sheets around her into clumps and gaining a rip from the lace around the cuffs on her hands. A very startled chamber maid sat by her side, holding a rag beside where the teen's head once presumably was. Once more, Demi was in the room Anthony had given her, and not dead, as she had perceived herself to be.

"Miss Demetria, what has brought you from your slumber?" Demi's lips parted, a tiny breath falling out, as her eyes softened. Ignoring the question, she moved to stand, only to see a large bag hanging over the top of the changing screen.

"Tell me, what has happened? I locked my door, and suddenly there's someone, and something, new. Surely, time has passed." The answer, she was quite curious of, but her curiosity would have to be hidden by ignorance if she were to sail through the situation safely. 

"My dear Demetria, surely you remember?" A deep voice sounded from behind the screen, where Anthony stepped out, fully equipped in royal attire. Demi flinched, knowing exactly what the events of her last conscious moment, but putting on a dumb face for the prince-to-be.

"I haven't the slightest idea.... All I remember is walking to the window to admire the grounds, and then everything went blank... Next thing I know, I'm here." He shook his head, a faintly wicked grin spreading on his lips and leaving Demi uneasy. He was going to lie. That was obvious. What about, she didn't know. "Anthony? What has happened?"

He moved to the foot of her bed, sitting closely to her and dismissing the woman, taking Demi's hands into his own. "You've agreed to share the title, that's what." The glint of reflecting light finally caught her eye, and she gasped in horror. A ring sat on her finger, large, and gaudy. "Soon enough, we will be wed. Tonight we shall announce our engagement."

"Anthony, I... I'm... I don't know what to--"

"I know; you're thrilled. I don't blame you." He nudged her with his elbow, and she shrunk back, shaking her head rapidly. 

"No. No, that's not what I'd say. More or less horrified." He frowned, and she gulped. "I've known you for a week. You've got bipolar disorder or something because you've gone from kind and charming to arrogant and controlling, and I'm sorry, but I'm not, I can't, marry you." Demetria tugged at the ring, but it wouldn't budge. It wouldn't even twist. Panicked, she looked from it, to the immensely grinning man. "What have you done...?"

"You know, for a lost girl whose eyes scream innocence, you're quite brilliant." She shook her head, moving away to the side of the bed, and hopping out. "Taking out a guard? Trying for the woods? I would expect that from a man in uniform, but a young girl?" He clicked his tongue, standing, and moving towards Demi as she backed up towards the door. "You aren't the average girl, are you? What are you, a witch? A warrior, cast away by her superiors?" 

"I told you... I've been separated from my friends... We were looking for--"

"Yes, yes, the missing companion. How could I forget?" Sitting on the edge of the bed, he looked her over. "Tell me, which of your friends is the silverette, and which the brunette?"  Demi had yanked the door open, only to be faced with three guards standing with their arms crossed. A sharp intake of breath followed as her feet twisted towards him.

"What are you?" He chuckled, standing and approaching the teen, placing his hands on her trembling shoulders.

"Your worst nightmare, dearest Demetria." He grinned wickedly, and her teeth closed in on the inside of her lip to hold back the words that would damn her even further into the pit of hell she was falling towards. "Tonight, you shall attend the ball, and kiss me promptly at nine o'clock. That ring will keep you from leaving the grounds until then, because then it won't be needed." His brown eyes flashed red, and she closed her eyelids as shoulders rose up in a flinching manner. "Until it is time to prepare yourself, you will be moved to your new quarters, to say goodbye, per say."

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