My Werewolf Boyfriend!? (5-6)

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  • Dedicated to My Crush <3

Chapter 5.Knowing

When I first came to the camp, I didn't know anybody but Zach. Then me and Emily became friends, but that's it. Carlos and I are now kinda talking. But the problem was is that I didn't know really anything about anybody. So, I have been here for about 2 weeks. Shouldn't I at least try to get to know everybody?

"Hey Em." I ran to her.

"Whats up Kayla?"I saw something shine on her finger.

"Whats that?" She looked down at her hand.

"Oh its nothing really. Just some ring I found. Really beautiful isn't it?"She smiled at her ring.

"Yeah, looks like a diamond!" I took her hand."Anyways heres the real question."

"And whats that?"

"I need you to teach me about everybody here."She grinned.

"If it gets me out of kitchen work, then I'm happy to do it!" She sat down and patted the seat by her. "What do you want to know?"


For about an hour she told me everything about everyone.

How Wyatt and Christian were brother and sister, and that their mom and dad died when they were just kids. Carlos was the only child of his family, his cousin was Tyler. Katrina moved here 3 years ago, and when Tyler first saw her. He just couldn't keep his eyes off of her. Tyler and his father were close but he died last year, Tyler started to live here in the camp when that happened. Johnny was very mysteries. Nobody knows where he came from or where he lives. Hes just there but everyone seems to love him. Alexis, her whole family where wolves but they moved awhile back. She lives in-town with her grandmother, maybe that's why she was so mean like an old lady! Susan, troubled little old Susan. She just found out that she was a werewolf, and she was Jacks little sister.

"And Jack."Emily began, she looked at the tall dark figure. Every move he made was so graceful. His short dark hair all ruffled around. His skin kissed by the sun. He was very strong, even by looking at him you knew that. His eyes fluttered over to hers, he smirked and gave her a wink. Emily's cheeks turned a bright color red. "Jack, well hes just Jack."



"Do you like Jack?" She laughed.

"is it that noticeable?" I nodded. She gave a chuckle. His voice made us both jump.

"Arnt you suppose to be cleaning the dishes?"He sat down in-front of Em. and me.

"Yeah, but Kayla here wanted to know about everything about everybody."

"Oh cool, did you learn much?" I nodded.

"Thast good, Emily here is always helpful." He gave Em. a smile. They continued the conversation, I got up and walked out. I don't even think they noticed. "HEY CARLOS!" I ran over to him. "Hey to you to Kayla, haha."

"We are cool right?"I asked.

"Yeah, well I think I'm much more cooler then you, but yeah. Your cool." I laughed.

"No, are we friends?" He smiled.

"Of course, we are family? Well not blood related."I ruffled his hair.

"Hey there, watch the hair!" Zach and Tyler where coming around the corner. "Hey Carlos, Hey Kayla." Zach ran up and hugged me. "Sup Zach." Carlos replied. Zach threw me over his shoulder and carried me off.

"Where are we going?"

"The beach!" I started to count how many times I bounced around. forty-seven,forty-eight,forty-nine.....One-hundred eighty,one-hundred eighty two "Here we are!" He dropped me in the sand and kissed me. "So what did you do today?" He asked brushing a piece of my golden hair out of my face. "Talked to Em. Asked her about everybody."

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