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I was sure the man standing in front of me had said something, but for the life of me, I had no clue what. Standing at six-four, he was a well built like a marthon swimmer. Swept black midnight hair had flecks of blue where the sun caressed. His eyes were ocean green that were so clear in his sharp, broad features.

But he wasn't alone. Oh, no, three others stood behind him. One had softer features with dark gold windswept hair and dark golden eyes like those from a bird of prey. He stood the tallest at six-eight. Next to him stood one slightly smaller with a beanie hat and kelly green eyes. Then their was the last, he seemed quieter than the others, deadlier. Light blue eyes decived his aura, he was thin, but he seemed to have more of a runners build with a dark buzz cut. All so different, yet all so yummy.

I jumped when my new guard dog grumbled and nosed my hand. Bringing me back to the present. “Huh?”

The guys looked somewhat amused yet strained as they turned their eyes from me to the dog. It was the guy in front that spoke. “So this is where you've been hiding, Luke?”

Luke, the dog, growled at the man making me wonder if he really was their dog. “Can I help you?”

“We saw the posters you'd put up,” the one wearing a beanie hat said, stepping forward. “He's ours.”

“Can you prove that?” I demanded. I admited silently that I didn't want Luke to go, that I wanted him to stay, even though I knew it would be wrong to keep someone else's dog.

“Caleb,” the first said as though it was an order.

But before Caleb could move, Luke growled. Making the men pause and stare at him like he'd actually spoken words and made sense.

“Fine,” the first grumbled. “Luke, come!”

Growling, Luke did as he was demanded. Rubbing his head against my thigh on the way out, I grimanced as I realised how low his tail was hanging as he left my house. I jumped when I felt a hand touch my hair, turning to see the quietest one so far, so close to me.

“Damn it, Nick!” the first grumbled like he was controlling misbehaving children. “Leave her alone! Come on.”

“But she smells so good,” the one called Nick, with his golden eyes, replied.

I frowned at him. “Thank you?”

Suddenly Nick was being pushed back as Luke moved between us like a growling brick wall.

“Luke!” the first growled in exaspiration. “Damn it, all of you, off her, she's not a toy!”

I squealed as a ball of fluff tackled Luke. Wait, was that a… a leopard? I rubbed my eyes. Maybe Zoey was right and I needed my head checked. But nope, there was still a leopard and Luke fighting it out, it wasn't me going loopy. I was even more surprised when the guys acted like it was normal.

“Caleb! What's gotten into you? Quit it!”

But as the fluffy leopard and fluffy dog kept fighting, I shook my head and took a couple of steps back, closing my door once I was inside to lean against it as my heart pounded and my head spun. Where had that cat come from and where the hell had the one with the dangerous aura disappeare to in the few moments between my last looking at him and the cat appearing?

“Great,” I heard the one with the beanie bag grumble with his deep voice that made me shiver inside. “Now you've scared her.”

I heard a cats yowl and a dogs growl in return to the mans words. This was crazy. Opening the door again revealed something even werider. The cat and dog had disappeard, and two, very naked, very yummy, men stood among the three other clothed men. One was the dangerous aura guy. The other looked familiar… I felt my eyes widen, I knew I hadn't been crazy!

“You!” I growled, pointing my finger in the direction of the naked guy who had been in my bed that morning. He jumped at my sudden accusation as I waved my finger at him. Dark features, jet hair, dark near black crimson coloured eyes, and oh boy was he tall at around six-seven. And wow did his package match him, big, and… I lifted my eyes back to his amused ones as I continued to growl at him. “You!” But I had no idea what to say. “Who are you? And why the hell were you in my bed the other morning!?”

I heard a strange growl from the other naked man. But I kept my eyes on the one I was accusing. One naked man at a time. No matter how distracting they all were. I shook my head. “Damn it! Put some clothes on then answer me!”

The guy smirked but caught some clothes one threw at him out of a bag. As he pulled them on, I saw that the other was still standing bare to the elements. Come on, it wasn't fair that he got to tease people like this. Although I did wonder why he was so comfortable wondering around naked. “Clothes,” I snapped in his direction.

The guy growled, and his cock, already half-hard started to fill even more making me want to turn my eyes away but struggle to do so. “Clothes,” I demanded again, although I did note that it was weaker this time. But it really wasn't fair that someone could look so good. Damn, Zoey would kill me to be in my place right now.

Slowly, the guy moved away to a pile of clothes on the ground, pulling his clothes on like it was a reverse strip tease. I felt myself flush when I remembered the others. But when I went to look at them, I jumped at the intensity in their eyes. Embaressed at being caught staring, I turned my eyes back to the one I was accusing. “Why were you in my bed?”

“Yes,” the first coughed. “Why were you in her bed, Luke?”

“Luke?” I asked. “Wasn't that the dogs… Where'd he go?!”

Looking around, I couldn't see him and felt a touch of disappointment. Until I turned back to the men. “Luke? Where'd human Luke go?” Pitch black dog Luke was back standing in a pile of clothes with a swaying tail, but the human one they'd called Luke had disappeared. I shook my head. “You know what? You guys find you're friend, I'm out!” Stomping back into the house, I turned back, to pause as my mind spun so hard I felt my head pound. Human Luke was back, but doggy Luke was gone.

Waving my hands in the air, I entered my home, only to freeze as doggy Luke ran past me into my house. I felt like screaming, and I didn't know why. Screaming and hitting things sounded like a great idea right now, even if I couldn't figure out what had me so stressed. But then I figured it out as doggy Luke turned into human Luke. Fur and skin rippling, snout changing, limbs turning with loud cracking noises make me jump every time. It wasn't until he was completely human again that black dots danced in my vision. It wasn't until his oh so dark eyes lifted to meet mine that I uttered, “but you were a dog,” before passing out.

What do you guys think? Please let me know! :)

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