Chapter 32

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You lifted your head to look at your addresser, a hazy look to your e/c eyes. It had been 4 weeks since the mysterious fire, 3 weeks and 5 days since you buried your little brother. Little Lee, with his tufty h/c locks and a smile to light up a city.
"you doing ok?" the person speaking to you was Jane. As you looked around distantly, you realised you was in your room. "y/n."
"huh?" you snapped your head towards the ivory-skinned girl, your eyes going less cloudy.
"hey... Listen. We're all going out tonight. Jeff found this place full of people who we can murder. Get the kids off your mind, eh?" Jane slowly put her arm around your shoulders, and you stared at her with glass eyes.
"...yeah. Ok." you reluctantly agreed. "let me just... Do some stuff first." you slowly nudged Jane's hand off and lifted yourself to your feet and exited your room. As you did so, you saw Toby also leave his.
"hey." he said with a small smile. You nodded to him as you both turned to walk down the long staircase. "how's it going?"
"it's going," you responded as you peered outside, seeing rain droplets beginning to fall. As you stopped by the front door, your fingertips gently graced over an umbrella, before you lifted it and stepped out onto the porch. "going the same way?"
"Cemetery?" Toby inquired. You nodded, letting the umbrella spread like a spider unravelling. You stepped in to the rain, shielded by the black fabric. Toby dipped beneath the umbrella as you walked, doing so in a sad silence.
"i still think of her. But not as much. Sometimes I walk past her room and think I see her." Toby piped up about Louth, attempting to change the subject from the deceased children. You looked at him for a long silence, then huffed and smiled slightly.
"I wake up and forget all about it. Losing my brother, losing Louth. And I feel ok. But then I realise and I feel like I'm choking. I can't breath," you paused as you saw the cemetery loom through the rain and mist. "they had the same smile, y'know. If not the same, similar. A happy smile, pure. It's what we needed in this place of murderers and lost souls with no place to go. We were all wronged, some more than others."
"amen to that," Toby laughed, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Slenderman ruined my life. Burnt down a street and lost a good part of my mouth doing it. What about you?"
"I wasn't born a boy. Was neglected by my parents. Then they just threw me into a forest to die. I survived by myself, for a while. Then Sally came along." you smiled at the memory, the first true smile in a while, but then it drooped. "what's happening to us, Toby?"
"It was bound to happen at some point. We all die somehow, it just depends how, and when." the brunette responded. As you entered the cemetery, you looked up at him.
"I've been dead a long time." you simply said, then waved to him and parted towards a grave in particular. You slipped to your knees, your eyes scanning the fresh tombstone.
Lee l/n
"hey, kiddo," you spoke in a quiet voice, resting the umbrella to shield the engraved stone. "i brought you something. You always wanted one, remember?" you fished into your satchel and brought out a small toy fox, resting it by the stone. Your lip quivered as your vision blurred. "oh, Lee. I'm sorry I wasn't there."
Tears streamed down your face as you stared at his grave, and you soon broke into a sob.
"my good boy..."

The door slammed closed as you entered the mansion, looking up the stairs to see Jane descending.
"hey, everyone has already left. I wanted to wait for you." Jane smiled a little, taking your hand and placing your crowbar into it. Before she did, her thumb slowly graced along your palm, and she glanced sideways at you. You felt a sudden rush to your face, and your heart sped up. "lets go."
Jane opened the door and walked out into the rain, towards a parked car. As you released a breath you didnt realize you were holding, your hand gripped around your loyal weapon. You turned and shut the door after you, your gaze drifting over Jane as you slipped into the passenger seat.
"ready to have some fun?" Jane asked with a smile, taking your other hand and squeezing it. The odd feeling came back, and you felt faint.
"y-yes." you responded, your heart hammering against your chest.
The car went into motion, speeding down the dirt path and through the trees, but your eyes didn't leave your raven-haired friend for a moment. And for the first time in a while, you wanted someone to look at you more than ever. You wanted her to look at you, and smile a smile that you didn't realise was so bright until now. You suddenly realised that maybe you wanted her, like you hadn't wanted anyone else in this damned, cursed world before. She was different. Maybe it was the sadness, or the need to be held and comforted. She was the only person who had been nursing and caring for you during your grieving stages, everyone else steered clear. Maybe... She did it because she loved you.
"y/n? You ok? You're staring at me like I just told you I'm pregnant." Jane joked, her eyes focusing on you for a moment before back to the road. You jumped, inhaling sharply, then turned your head to look out of the window, a giddy smile forming on your face.
"worst time to be pregnant, Jane." you responded.
"agreed." Jane said as she pulled over besides a group of hoodied people. You took off your seatbelt and slid out onto the wet pavement, realising these were your fellow creepypastas. "here, put your hood up. You can take it down when we get inside." Jane slid her arms over behind your head and lifted your hood up. As she did so, you stared into her eyes, your stomach erupting in butterflies. You nodded to her and slid in with the crowd. Clockwork suddenly gripped your arm and put her mouth to your ear.
"so you finally noticed, aye?" Clockwork asked in a whisper, a grin on her stitched mouth. You glanced at her, confused. "that Jane has a thing for you."
"shh!" you slapped your hand over her mouth as she giggled, your face flushing. "she totally does not."
"psh. But you have a thing for her, right?" Clockwork asked, moving your hand with a grin. You hesitated. Did you? The car ride was like heaven to you, and suddenly, when she looked at you, your heart beat fast. "when did this happen?"
"literally before we got in the car to come here." you admitted quietly.
"really? Damn, you fall fast, kiddo."
"we're the same age." you mumbled, getting shushed by Clockwork.
"this is big! Your sexuality has been awoken. You gotta take her out after this, or tomorrow." Clockwork urged you.
"perhaps I will." you stuck your tongue out at Clockwork.
"alright, lets move." Jeff suddenly hissed to the group, shoving his phone into his pocket. Wait, phone?
"lets do this." Jane slipped in between you and Clockwork, winking at you playfully. You gulped, shivering as Jeff kicked the door open and everyone flooded inside. The party looked surprised.
"ladies and gentlemen, this is a massacre." Jeff screeched as everyone pulled down their hoods and out their weapons.
The crowd scattered urgently, only to find creepypasta's at each exit. Blood splattered against the floor as the group went to work. You moved forward, towards a first victim. Grabbing them by the collar, you lifted your crowbar.
"w-wait!" they begged. You paused in horror as they turned. Large hazel eyes blinked at you, bleach blonde hair swirling around their hips, freckles dotting their face. "Louth?"
Louth stared at you, opening her mouth, then suddenly a hatchet went into her back. She let out a yelp of pain, a sob, then collapsed to the ground. Toby rushed over, grabbing the hatchet.
"NO! That's Louth!!" you cried, turning her over. But what you saw surprised you. Their green eyes were glazed over, brunette hair waving around their head. "but..."
"what's wrong with you? That's not funny." Toby scolded you, looking at you with a disgusted glare in his eyes.
"i swear it was her! I don't know whats happening..."
"maybe you're going soft." Toby said emotionlessly. "you see people you care about when you're about to or are killing someone. It happened to another creepypasta before you. Then I had to kill them." Toby stepped towards you suddenly, gripping his hatchets.
"wait..." you suddenly realised. "it was you. You're the traitor! You killed Judge Angels, and Millie! Oh my god... You probably got Crow to kill Louth as well." Toby paused, staring at you, his eyes flashing in confusion.
"what are you talking about?"
"it wasn't you?"
"why the hell would i kill Judge Angels?"
"but..." you paused when you suddenly heard something over the screams. Sirens. You stared at Toby, watching his face drain. "shit."
The surrounding creepypastas suddenly paused, dropping their victims and crowding to the middle in confusion. The crowd of survivors got up and ran out, screaming.
Jane slipped in beside you, gripping your hand.
"no... How would they know? We only just got here!!" Sam turned to the crowd with a panicked tone.
"someone ratted us." E.J said accusingly, glaring at the crowd.
"Sorry, folks."
The crowd spinned to see a figure in white holding a door open for themselves, knife in hand. Jeff stood there with a smirk, his blue eyes glimmering.
"There can only be a few creepypastas. And thats Slender and me. I had to get rid of competition. I just couldn't figure out how. And I didn't have enough motivation. Of course, until y/n." Jeff looked to you with a creepy adoring look in his eyes as the sirens got closer. "too many of you were fighting for a bit of her. And you're all pathetic. Only I can give her the love she deserves."
"you... You killed them all. You killed all the missing creepypastas." you spoke up.
"i did. They happened to stumble upon my planning for this little event today, and I had to it. I couldn't have them ruining the surprise. Now, y/n, if you dont mind, lets hit the road before the cops burst in, huh?"
Jane gripped your hand, and you looked at her. She had a pleading look in her eyes.
"y/n..." she begged.
"no. I'm not leaving everyone to please your obsessions." you snapped, turning back to Jeff, squeezing Jane's hand. Jeff stared at you, then his face contorted.
"i did everything for you. I killed everyone for you. I planned this for you. For US. And you just shove it back in my face for empty friendships and a lesbian?!" Jeff roared, gripping his blade furiously. "fine. You go to prison. It's where you belong, anyway. Rotting in a cell, turning old and rotting like a fruit. You'll regret this. You'll wish you came with me. Because nobody can love you like I can. Enjoy a life sentence, everyone." He slammed the door, and the clack of a lock was heard faintly below the sirens.
"Y/n..." Jane turned to you, gazing at you. "thank you." you leaned towards her, your heart hammering against your chest, just as the door burst open, red and blue lights flooding the blood-splattered club. "I've loved you ever since you walked through those doors."
"ON THE GROUND!" bellowed a police officer from behind a police car, 10 different guns pointed into the club. The creepypastas groaned in anguish as they collapsed to the ground.
You kissed Jane's white cheek, then you both fell down towards the ground, laying on your stomach.
"i think i could love you too." you said as police flooded in, and began cuffing everyone and heaving them out as an officer called for backup.


Hello my beautiful readers! This will be one of the last chapters of this book. I've loved the ride with you all, and I hope you're enjoying the story so far!

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