The Master and Margarita

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                     September 19, 1986
Sam was sitting on the plastic chair in the basement she had a book in her hand and was really exited for the first meet up.
Suddenly door opened and Manager entered the room
"Are you ready for the first day?!"- she asked happily
"Well I don't know, I guess I'm kinda scared"
"It's ok, don't worry. We talked about everything, there is no way something can go wrong!" She said and then walked away
Sam looked at her watch- it was already 4PM and nobody came
Suddenly she heard footsteps on the stairway and something like:
"Fuck you!"
"Shut up, we are going to the civilized place!"
"I hate you dad!"
"Fuck"- Sam thought
Finally door opened and a young girl ran in and after her a tall man walked in, it was oblivious that it was daughter and father from their "talk" on the stairway. Sam recognized that she saw the man before in the park.
"Welcome!" - Sam said like she didn't hear anything
"Hello Miss" - said tall man,
"I saw you at the park, right?.. I'm Philip and this is my daughter Rinata"- he said while squeezing daughters shoulder
"Nice to meet you! My name is Sam and I'm your club leader" - said Sam and shook their hands
"You can sit there"- Sam pointed at the plastic chairs
"Ok thanks" - Said Phil and sat on the chair in the middle of the room while Rinata was looking around
She had long blonde hair and wore a black skirt with white shirt, like it was a school uniform. She looked around 14-15 y/o
Phil had long black pants, a shirt and a long brown curly hair.
They sat in the silence like this for some minutes after they heard footsteps again
"It's so cold here"
"I will warm you babe"
"Maybe later.. you dick"
"Ow, it hurts"
When Phil heard word "dick" his face turned angry. He wasn't really happy that his daughter heard this word. Sam thought that he was some kinds of "Karen dad" (and it was true). Rinata just giggled
A couple entered the room. It was a tall woman in her 20's with long blonde hair and a red dress, that you can see in bars usually. And her boyfriend, a usual "straight male".
"Hello! My name in Sam and I'm your club leader."
"My name is John Parker"- he said and shook Sam's hand
"Alexandra"- said lady and looked away
"Call her Sasha"- whispered Parker and winked
They sat on the plastic chairs in the end of the room.
"Thanks everyone for coming" -said Sam and stood up
"Today we gonna talk abou..." Already started Sam but suddenly someone rushed in the room
"I'm really sorry!" -Said man with short hair, glasses and sweater
"It's ok.." - started Sam
"My name is Roderich"- he said and sat on one of the chairs at the corner of the room
"Ok so today we gonna talk about book "The Master and Margarita. Anyone read it?"
"Me, me!"- Said Roderich happily
"Ok nice, what can you tell about this book?"
"I can tell it was very deep, I did find an inspiration that helped me for some time bu.."
"Inspiration? Are you a poet?"- Sam asked
"Well, I'm a artist"
"Oh, that's interesting"
"So what this book about?"- Parker asked
"There is two setting: first in Moscow where satan appears as a mysterious gentleman..."-Sam started
"It's about you haha"- Rinata laughed
"Shut up-" Phil whispered
"How you can say this to your daughter?!"- Sasha shocked said to the
"He didn't even try to raise me-" Rinata laughed
"Well, she called him satan"- Parker stepped in
"THATS WHY I SAID IT!"- Sasha screamed
"Ok please calm do.."- Sam started
"FUCK YOU DAD"- screamed Rinata

"God why I'm here?"

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