"Okay kittens we're going to be learning how to do good stretches so everyday when we do ballet we will sit in a circle on the stars!" said Ms.Cherry. "Time to sit on the stars!" mewes Ms.Cherry. Ms.Cherry plays her advanced classes music with tap. Ms.Cherry stops the music and inserts a different disk. Different music plays. "Place your paws together and start to bounce your cat legs!" instructed Ms.Cherry. "Then go down and try to reach all the way down to your paws... then come up and bounce again." explained Ms.Cherry. 2nd song starts. "Now place our legs straight and just move our cat feet without cat paws on the floor supporting us! Now, flex then point." said Ms.Cherry. "Paws up! Try and reach your cat feet then stretch and up!" instructed Ms.Cherry. "Now slightly stand up on your paws and start to bounce. Now stretch your legs straight then stand up!" meowed Ms.Cherry. "Let's come out to the center and do our relevès as we have that move in our dance! Grab your hoop so we can practice relevèing with them in our paws!" meowed Ms.Cherry. Ms.Cherry plays one of her advanced classes music for Port De Bras. "Slide off number... press up and slide back on your current number." said Ms.Cherry very calmly and in sync with the music. The Port De Bras music ends. "Good job everybody!" praised Ms.Cherry. "Let's do tap before we run out of time!" meowed Ms.Cherry. The class runs through tap and class is almost ending. "To wrap up our dancing and hard work let's do our train that we do only if we end off with tap!" meowed Ms.Cherry happily. Inserts the pre ballet music disc and goes to track 5 for the music. Class ends. "Bye guys! See you next Saturday!" chirped Ms.Cherry. Ms.Cherry's class comes in. "Hey guys!" meowed Ms.Cherry. "Hey Frisky! Which class did you let out of your classroom?" asked Tonkia. " Oh! One of my tumbling classes! I have another one coming today at 5pm!" answered Ms. Frisky Cherry. "I was just stopping by to say hi to you Frisky. Bye!" said Tonkia. "Bye Tonkia! See you on Monday." meows Ms.Cherry. Tonkia leaves.