Chapter 4

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while! Here's the next chapter! Love u all!!


Just walking through the the woods away from Terminus, you could still see the smoke. Right now, we're just taking a little break in the woods. Abby and I have the kids in our arms while everyone else is doing their own thing.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Rick give Tara a fist pump. It was kinda funny because his face was like 'what the hell is this?' I just barely held my laughter in from that.

After our break we were back on the road again. Michelle was on my hip while Sammy was in the middle of me and Abby. I miss the prison so, fucking, much! A walker appeared out of the woods and Michone called it. She went to grab for her katana but she didn't have it.

I guess we'll have to get used to this. Michone doesn't have her katana, Rick doesn't have his Python, Carl doesn't have his gun. We all lost something that day the governor came, besides our home and our people. I may have lost my humanity because of him. Then after we all got out of the prison, we lost even more besides our weapons, home, and friends.

I wish I could've had the chance to kill him myself....very slowly too.

Now it's dark out and we're huddled in the dark. Well everyone else is huddled together but Daryl and j are sitting beside each other with Michelle on his lip. She keeps grabbing his hair and yanking it. It's actually pretty funny to watch him pull her hand away and she keep doing it.

I could feel Daryl look over at me. I only saw Michelle pull his hair a couple of times and after that I just looked off into the distance. I then heard Michelle giggle a little. I looked over and she kept pulling his hair. I grabbed her hand gently and pulled her hand away.

"It's not nice to pull your daddy's hair, baby girl." I said to her. She kept talking her baby talk.

"Momma, dada." Is all she said after doing her baby babbling. I leaned over and kissed Daryl's cheek while taking Michelle off his lap so she'd stop pulling his hair.

"You feeling ok?" I asked him as I brushed some hair out of his face. All he did was grunt. Then we heard some leaves crunch and he immediately jumped up, pulling me behind him with Michelle on my hip.

"It's nothin'." Daryl grumbled. I nodded even though he couldn't see me. I started heading back to camp but he grabbed my hand and turned me around. He kissed Michelle's forehead and she got one last yank on his hair and he winced this time.

"Michelle! That's not nice!" I scolded softly. Then she yawned and rubbed her eyes, resting her head on my shoulder. He kissed me on the lips and of course I kissed back.

"I love ye. Don't ever ferget it either."

"I love you always. And don't you forget it." He nodded and we walked hand and hand back to camp.

We were back to walking again. God I wanna stay in just one place for more than one night! We kept walking and we heard a twig snap. I pulled my bow string back, ready to let my arrow fly. Everyone else the same just with guns. Sammy was holding my sleeping daughter right now. Daryl walked out, holding his hands up with a string with squirrel on it.

"We surrender." He said. I put my bow down and we all went back to walking. Daryl was walking with Rick and I could here their conversation. 'Daryl, if ya wanna have a quiet conversation, that involves talking quietly.' I thought to myself.

"No tracks, no nothin'." Daryl said to Rick.

"So whatever you heard last night-" rick started but immediately got cut off by Daryl.

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