Ch. 1 -issues-

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Many years ago, the lands were ruled by mythical creatures who did no harm. That was until colonizers forced the creatures into hiding. They made their own realm were they wouldn’t be disturbed. But the creatures parted ways and made their own clans. They all dispursted from one another and left one another alone. That was until now. 

    A werewolf clan had been fighting with another werewolf clan over their land.

The two clans had been having a mini war with each other. One of the alphas kids had asked him a question that enraged him.   

“I’m not sending you.” Phoenix stated fiercely. Phoenix was the proud alpha of his pack. He ruled fairly and was extremely hard to fight. His son knew that first hand.   

“Why not? I’m perfectly qualified!” screamed Phoenix’s son, Toshiaki. He had been adopted by Phoenix because his original clan abandoned him. He was found by Phoenix who had saved him from a bloodsucker. The bloodsucker had been on Toshiaki for 5 days when he was barely 2 weeks old. Phoenix took care of him and adopted him. Toshiaki had only remembered his name and the clan’s call. Every night for a year, Toshiaki would try calling, but they never answered. Finally he quit. 

“Your my kid! I would never send you! You have a kid as well! What would she do if she found out you died because of my ignorance?!” Phoenix soon calmed down and said softly to Toshiaki that he was sorry for yelling. 

“Well how about a compromise?” said Toshiaki.

“Fine. What is it?” Phoenix felt as if he needed to make it up to Toshiaki.

“What if you send me as a last resource? Like there is no other way to solve this issue?” asked Toshiaki nervously. 

It had been almost an entire year since another clan had been taking Toshiaki and Phoenix’s territory. The outsiders had been harassing them as well and Phoenix had had enough. Phoenix sighed and looked over at Toshiaki. 

“Okay. If it comes down to that, then I’ll send you over. But only to make negotiations.” Toshiaki agreed eagerly and then ran off. He shapeshifted to his wolf form so he could run faster to see his kid. 

“I’m home!” he shrieked in joy. 

“Yay!” screamed Toshiaki’s little girl, Akela. Akela was just like Toshiaki but she couldn’t remember anything but her name. She also wasn’t attacked by a bloodsucker. Toshiaki still had scars from the bloodsucker and from neglection from his clan. Every now and then he would rub the scars to see if they were still there. 

“Have you been in your wolf form all day?” Toshiaki asked curiously while looking at a huge mess. 

“Maybe?” said Akela doing puppy eyes. They both laughed and started to pick up. Akela was a good kid despite what her dad did for a living.

Not a second after Toshiaki and Akela were done cleaning, Toshiaki had gotten a call from his dad, Phoenix. He was simply told to report to his office. Toshiaki went over and left Akela with the neighbor. 

“What is it dad?” asked Toshiaki. 

“We’ve been hit again. I can’t figure out any other way to say that I need you to go out there.” said Phoenix with great sorrow. 

“Okay. What about Akela? Will you watch her?” 

“Yes. I will watch her. I already have her with me. She’s in the other room.” Phoenix said while pointing to his office door. 

“Look I need you to go within the next hour. I already talked to their Alpha and she is super mean.” Phoenix then gave Toshiaki a paper with the directions to get to their base. Toshiaki understood completely and gathered his things and said goodbye to Akela. 

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