Chapter Six

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Our Wedding Band

Chapter Six –


“The Gold Coast, isn’t that like where all the Australian’s surf and stuff?” Lily asked me, when we stepped into our taxi, on the way to our new hotel. We were only staying there a few nights before packing up to leave again. The Honeymoon was top secret we didn’t want anybody finding out where we were going, Braison wouldn’t even tell me where the destination was, but I had a good feeling that my father was in on the secret and that’s why he spent the night at my old place.

“Yeah, it’s quite amazing here actually.” I told her, checking my phone for messages, the only reason why we were sharing a taxi was because as soon as we dropped our bags off at the hotel lobby, we had to whisk off for my hens night party, with all my old girlfriends, as well as a few new one’s I’ve picked up along the way.

“Will we get time to go and see the beaches?” She asked, although I know she meant ‘Will we get time to check out the hot surfers?’

“It’s our first stop Lily darling.” I said in my best posh voice.

“Awesome.” Came the familiarity of her American twang, I was starting to miss America.

We arrived at the hotel at the same time as the gentlemen, although I knew the gentlemen act wouldn’t last long, as soon as they were free of women I bet they’d be going crazy all night long.

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” I yelled over to Callum who was on the other side of the room, he winked, and Braison whispered something into his ear, I knew he was being rude judging by the smile that spread across the younger boy’s face.

“Let’s go, leave those barbarians to do their worst.” Lily giggled, pulling me away from the men and off towards our cab.

Braison chased us all the way outside and right over towards the waiting car.

“Babe, have fun tonight.” He kissed me softly upon my left cheek.

“Braison, leave her alone, this is her last night of freedom.” Lily teased, shooing him away. Little did she know that I hadn’t been free for a while, as soon as we’d started dating I knew I gave my heart to him.

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