Chapter 2 - Untold

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The water was echoing my slow and faint heartbeat pulling me back to reality. My home just exploded, how? Why? The questions were running through my mind as I lied there floating, sinking deeper into the unknown of the Lake. As I was sinking a sharp light appeared in front of me now that far, almost at arm length. I could hear faint whispers coming from the light, I couldn't make out anything they were saying. It was more like white noise more than anything.

"Katherine!" A deep voice screamed through the silence of the water. The sharp light slowly faded away leaving me back all alone in the complete darkness. The voice screamed my name again when suddenly I felt the water move as if something has just entered the water. I wanted to shout and scream for help but the water surrounded me, silencing me with water running down my throat burning every muscles along the way. Then I felt a warm hand on my hand, a warm sensational feeling erupted from the touch. There has only been person who had that feeling on me and that was Eric. Every time we touched I felt like my body was on fire. He grip tighten around my wrist, suddenly I started moving up towards the surface. Eric wrapped an entire arm around me as he swam us both back up to the surface. For the first time in two minutes I took my first breath, releasing the water from my throat. My eyes flew open, releasing the darkness that was once in front of me replacing it all with light. My eyes rested on the image of Eric, his blond hair sticking to his tanned handsome face. His blue eyes resting on me, fear in his eyes. Behind him I finally saw something that made me want to cry, not that seeing Eric didn't make me want to cry but seeing my house up in flames. The red and gold flames stretching shy high. Someone tried to kill me, again!

"I have you Kat, please hold on!" Eric shouted but he was fading in and out. I wanted to say something, hold him but the last thing I remember of that night was me passing out in his arms floating on the water. The stars slowly fading away as the darkness returned to take my vision. The last thing I remember was his hand on my cheek and his sweet voice calling out my name.


"Katherine?" Even though I only heard a mum I could still make who was actually calling out to me, Ava.

I opened my eyes slowly but surely, they were extremely heavy almost impossible to open them. Why are they so heavy? I pulled my eyes in quick motion open, feeling them flutter as my eyes try to make sense of where I am, getting its focus back flutter by flutter. When my vision finally got back I saw where I was. I was lying down on a white cotton bed sheet underneath a dark blue sheet. My room was filled with machines, one to measure my heart beat the other my blood pressure and another to give me my medicine. Am I in the hospital? Standing there in front of my bed, Ava was looking all worried about whatever. Her black uniform standing out against the snow white walls. The black corset, leather jacket and pants that went great with her black action boots. She always made my jealous about how she looked in all her clothes. Her hair hanging freely down on her shoulders, her au brown hair is longer than I imagined it to be.

"What? What happened?" I asked but with every word it felt like someone threw hot wax down my throat.

"You don't remember?" Ava asked, leaning against the bed with her hands on either side of the bed sides.

Going through all my memories about what happened, the only thing I remember was my house burning to the ground and him. I remember Eric pulling me out of the water or was I just imagining that?

"The only thing I remember is house. Burning down." I said, still struggling to get the words out with wanting to scream out in pain.

"I'm sorry Kat but there was nothing left when we got there. We were all so busy trying to get you to breath that we completely forgot about the house." Wait what?

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