Chapter 5 - Ritual

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I was on the move before the sun was even out making my way towards the great Mirror Tower, I know I at least have some clothes stashed away there. Step after step, I made my way dodging all sharp object that could damage my bare feet as I was walking. It must have been a few hours of constant walking for I was finally here. The tower was and is one of the most guarded secrets in the whole realm for only a true witch with a good heart can find its location or actually see the bloody thing.The tower was high in the sky creating no shadow from the invisibility that was hiding the large mud brown bricks. There was no windows in the tower but the walls had a way of letting in the light from the outside. I followed up the small stone steps to the big white oak door. With a quick twist I pushed the door open feeling the cold rush from the coolness that was trapped within the tower. The tower was always bigger inside than it was on the outside, there was a lobby, library and a spiral staircase that led up to my room that I have been hiding in when I don't want to be home. Not that I have a home to go back to now.

I closed the door and was up the dark stairs all the way to my room. The sound of bare feet clapping against the cold stairs as I moved one foot in front of the other. Soon I was at my small oak door and in my oval room. The room wasn't big but it was perfect, there was large charcoal metal framed bed in the middle of the room along with two bedside tables. Across from the bed was a small desk that had ton of books stacked on top of it along with my white laptop. I have been reading up on everything I could get my hand on in order to learn more about what we are, what type of magic could I do etc. I have been through most of the books already but there are still a few I need to go through. Next to table was my back pack with a little extra clothes inside. No wasting time, I grabbed my bag and was out that horrible hospital gown. I was now comfortable in my own clothes again. A dark blue tank top, grey jeans and my favourite black boots. After a quick clothes change I was out the tower and walking through the open green fields heading towards the one place that I knew I would get some help about stopping my brother from ever setting foot back into this realm. I was hardly a few feet away from the tower when I heard a voice call out to me.

"Hello Katherine" The voice sounded so smooth, so sweet and so kind, there was only one person I knew who spoke like that.

"Hello Gwen" I turned around to find a floating light in front of me. Spirits can come in two forms a small light or the manifestation of their true form but according to books it takes a lot of energy to do that so they rather stay in light form.

"You are a long way from home." She implied with a mother type of voice.

"I don't think I need to explain why I am out here, you on the other hand need to your majesty?" I asked.

"The spirits are growing restless, his powers are growing stronger" I don't need any reminder of what is happening but why are they growing restless?

"What do you mean restless? What did you hear?"

"The days have been growing weary, the rift between the worlds is growing weak. His power is destroying the magic that is holding it together" Her voice was filled with panic. Was she telling me the truth? Was my brother going to rip apart the spirit world and ours?

"Are you telling me my brother has strong enough magic to destroy the Luna? That is impossible! There has never been a power strong enough to do that? Not even ours!" I wanted that answer, NOW!

"You are wrong Katherine. There has been a power strong enough to destroy the Luna, yours. It has always been strong enough but so has your brothers." As she said that the prophecy ran through my head over and over again.

"Equal to one another. Stronger than any other. The doom for all, the light that must never fall. A heart of hope, a heart of stone." I whispered to myself.

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