Chapter 13

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Riser: Then come and claim your freedom!

He shouted as he formed two fireballs in each hand. The others were intimidated, but Rias stood her ground.

Rias: Stand your ground guys. He's not invincible.

Riser: Do you not know who I am!? I am Riser. Phenex! And I am INVINCIBLE!!!!!

He hurled his fireballs at them, but Rias countered with her destruction power.

Issei: Boost!

He boosted Rias' power as she began her attack on Riser. As she did Koneko hit the ground and began hurling debris at him which he countered launching fireballs but then took a hit from some lightning as Akeno was above him, he moved to attack but Kiba came from behind him taking his left arm. Riser screamed in pain but his arm quickly regenerated Rias began attacking with more ferocity as Asia used her Twilight healing and Issei used his boosted gear to add power. Without them Riser would overpower her. But the others kept Riser unable to focus on her. This was a part of her plan thanks to you.

(Y/N): "The best way to counter a regeneration factor is to over-tax it. You have to constantly keep up the attack faster than he can regenerate. Do this and you will bring him to his knees"

Rias: Thank You (Y/N)

She said to herself. The attack as left Riser battered as everyone kept up a full attack to beat his healing abilities. Everyone was exhausted having expended most of their energy as a result.

Riser: I'm impressed however Riser is prepared for such occasions.

But so was Rias

As Riser pulled out his bottle of Phenex Tears Issei made the move. He attacked Risers blindside punching him in the face making the bottle drop and shatter. Riser was so shocked he couldn't react as Issei continued his assault. Using the moves and techniques Kakashi taught him he whales on Riser who had no energy to retaliate nor heal as he ended up a bloody beaten pulp on the ground. As he finished Rias walked up.

Rias: Do you yield?

Riser: R-riser. Yields.

Grafiya: Riser Phenex is eliminated. The winner is Rias Gremory!

Rias and her exhausted peerage cheered as they took in their victory.

Viewing booth

The Gremory's were cheering at their daughters first rating game victory. Everyone was smiling, except Lord Phenex. He knew his son need to learn this lesson, but at the same time he felt his pride stung. He stood up and clapped for Rias and her victory. As did you and your family. You couldn't help but feel proud of her. And of the miracle you helped create.

Le Timeskip

Everyone was at the Gremory estate enjoying a party celebrating Rias' first rating game victory. All the upper class devils were talking amongst each other about how Rias pulled off "the biggest upset in rating game history." You smirked to yourself as you heard this Rias came up and pulled you into a hug.

Rias: I owe this all to you bro. If it wasn't for you. I don't even want to think about what would of happened.

(Y/N): I was more than happy to help.

Then the unthinkable happened. You sensed a presence. Four presences. Four that made your hairs on the back of your neck stand on end as you started to panic.

(Y/N): Excuse me Sis.

You quickly teleported away confusing Rias.

K & T: Big Sis Rias!

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